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5 Alternative Tools to Ahrefs for SEO Analysis and Tracking

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-22 02:37:15

Ahrefs is a powerful SEO tool used by millions of digital marketers and website owners around the world. It provides a comprehensive suite of SEO features and analytics that allow users to track website performance, analyze backlinks, and identify keywords for SEO success. But what if you're looking for something similar to Ahrefs? Fortunately, there are several other powerful SEO tools available that offer similar features and performance. In this article, we'll take a look at five of the most popular Ahrefs alternatives and discuss their features and pricing.



Ahrefs is a popular search engine optimization (SEO) toolset that helps marketers and website owners measure the impact of their website on search engine rankings. It helps users analyze their website’s performance in organic search, track competitor's backlinks, and identify new link opportunities.


  • Backlink Analysis
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Keyword Research
  • Rank Tracking
  • Audit & Crawl
  • Site Explorer
  • Content Explorer
  • Alerts

Ahrefs Alternatives


Moz is a software suite of digital marketing and analytics tools designed to help marketers and businesses succeed online. It offers a comprehensive suite of software and services to help anyone, from beginners to experts, get more out of their digital marketing efforts.

Both Moz and Ahrefs offer website analysis, link building tools and keyword research tools.

Moz focuses more on SEO and doesn't provide as many features as Ahrefs.

Is Moz a good alternative?


SEMrush is an all-in-one marketing toolkit for digital agencies and professionals, providing SEO, PPC, content, social media, and competitive research solutions. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools to help businesses succeed online.

Both SEMrush and Ahrefs provide keyword research and backlink analysis tools.

SEMrush is more focused on PPC and social media marketing, while Ahrefs is more focused on SEO.

Is SEMrush a good alternative?


Majestic is a powerful SEO tool that helps you to understand and analyze your backlinks for a better online presence. It provides you with data-rich insights to help you understand and improve your backlink strategy.

Majestic and Ahrefs both offer backlink analysis tools.

Majestic focuses more on link building and doesn't offer as many features as Ahrefs.

Is Majestic a good alternative?


SpyFu is an online marketing platform that provides digital marketers with research tools to gain insights into their competitors’ SEO and PPC strategies. The platform helps marketers to identify high-value keywords and optimize their website for better visibility in search engine results.

Both SpyFu and Ahrefs provide keyword research tools.

SpyFu focuses more on PPC and social media marketing, while Ahrefs is more focused on SEO.

Is SpyFu a good alternative?

SEO Powersuite

SEO Powersuite is an all-in-one software suite designed to help you get your website to the top of search engine rankings. It includes tools for keyword research, website audit and analysis, backlink tracking, link building, and more.

Both SEO Powersuite and Ahrefs offer website analysis tools.

SEO Powersuite is more focused on link building and doesn't offer as many features as Ahrefs.

Is SEO Powersuite a good alternative?

Raven Tools

Raven Tools is a comprehensive suite of SEO and social media marketing tools and resources. It offers an array of features to help businesses monitor and optimize their online presence, get insights on competitors, and generate and track leads.

Both Raven Tools and Ahrefs provide keyword research and backlink analysis tools.

Raven Tools is more focused on PPC and social media marketing, while Ahrefs is more focused on SEO.

Is Raven Tools a good alternative?

Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is a powerful SEO, website crawler, and log file analyser designed for website owners, digital marketers and SEOs. It is a desktop program that can be used to crawl websites' URLs and analyse a variety of elements on and off the page, from technical SEO issues to content and site structure.

Both Screaming Frog and Ahrefs offer website analysis tools.

Screaming Frog is more focused on link building and doesn't offer as many features as Ahrefs.

Is Screaming Frog a good alternative?


Alexa is the brain behind Amazon Echo, powered by Amazon’s cloud-based voice service. Alexa enables you to ask questions, play music, get news and weather reports, set reminders and alarms, control your smart home, and more – just by using your voice.

Both websites offer insights into website performance and audience engagement.

Ahrefs provides comprehensive backlink analysis while Alexa focuses on global rankings and analytics.

Is Alexa a good alternative?

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand.

Both Ahrefs and Google Analytics provide helpful insights into website performance.

Ahrefs is a tool primarily used for backlink analysis and keyword research, while Google Analytics provides detailed statistics about user behavior on your website.

Is Google Analytics a good alternative?


UberSuggest is a free keyword research and content suggestion tool from Neil Patel. It helps you come up with blog post ideas, generate keyword ideas, and discover new topics to explore.

Both Ahrefs and UberSuggest are SEO tools used to help improve website rankings.

Ahrefs provides more detailed data on organic search performance, while UberSuggest offers keyword research tools and content ideas.

Is UberSuggest a good alternative?


Google is a search engine that indexes webpages, images, videos, and other content on the internet. It enables users to quickly and easily find information on the web.

Both Ahrefs and Google provide a platform to search and analyze websites.

Ahrefs provides insights into backlinks, content, rankings, and other website traffic data, whereas Google only displays search results.

Is Google a good alternative?


SimilarWeb is a digital market intelligence platform providing data-driven insights into website and app engagement trends, across all industries and markets.

The similarity between Ahrefs and SimilarWeb is that they are both websites that offer analysis and insights into website traffic. The difference between Ahrefs and SimilarWeb is that Ahrefs focuses more on SEO, while SimilarWeb offers a wider range of analytics services.

Is SimilarWeb a good alternative?

Ahrefs Head-To-Head

Ahrefs is one of the most popular website analysis tools in the market. With its comprehensive suite of features, it’s a great tool for SEO professionals and digital marketers alike. In this article, we will be comparing Ahrefs with other websites, such as Moz, SEMrush, and Majestic. We will discuss each website’s features, pricing plans, and customer support to determine which one is right for you. Let's get started!


Ahrefs and Alexa are two of the most popular website analytics tools on the market. Both offer a wide range of features to help users analyze their websites and gain insights into their performance. Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO platform that provides data such as keyword research, backlinks analysis, content exploration, rank tracking, web monitoring and more. The tool also includes a Site Audit feature which helps to identify technical SEO issues with your website. Alexa offers powerful website analytics tools including website traffic and engagement metrics like page views, visits, bounce rate, time on site and more. It provides detailed competitor comparison data to understand how well your site is performing against others in your industry. Additionally, Alexa's Audience Overlap Tool allows you to compare visitor demographics between different websites. Overall, both Ahrefs and Alexa provide valuable insights into how well your website is performing but they are best suited for different use cases. Ahrefs is great for backlinks analysis while Alexa can be used to gain deeper insights into website traffic and competitor performance.

Google Analytics

Ahrefs and Google Analytics are two of the most popular websites for tracking website performance and monitoring user behavior. Both tools offer comprehensive data, reporting, and insights that help website owners and marketers understand their audience and make informed decisions. Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO platform that offers a suite of tools for analyzing backlinks, keyword research, content research, and website audits. Ahrefs provides real-time alerting and competitor analysis features to help users stay on top of their competition. Google Analytics is a powerful web analytics tool that allows users to track page views, sessions, bounce rates, and other key metrics over time. The platform also offers detailed reports on user demographics and device usage. It also provides customizable dashboards with visualizations so users can easily interpret data trends. Overall, both Ahrefs and Google Analytics offer comprehensive insights into website performance and user behavior. While both platforms provide essential features for understanding your audience, Ahrefs’ focus on SEO tools makes it the ideal choice for those looking to optimize their online presence.


Ahrefs and Moz are two of the most popular SEO tools in the market, each offering powerful features to help digital marketers increase visibility for their websites. Ahrefs is a comprehensive suite of SEO tools that enable users to monitor their backlink profile, research keyword opportunities, analyze competitors’ strategies, track organic search performance, and more. Moz offers similar features but with an emphasis on content optimization, providing users with access to website crawlers, score tracking tools, content audit features, link building insights and more. Both services offer reporting capabilities to monitor progress over time and uncover new insights. Additionally, both provide subscription plans that allow users to access the data they need at an affordable price.


Ahrefs and UberSuggest are two popular SEO tools that provide website analysis, keyword research, backlink analysis, and more. Both offer comprehensive analytics reports to help optimize a website's performance. Ahrefs provides in-depth data on organic search, backlinks, content performance, paid search and more. It has an intuitive user interface for easy navigation and also provides tools for competitor analysis. UberSuggest offers a wide range of keyword research tools including long-tail keywords, SERP analysis and keyword suggestions. It is easy to use with visualizations to make understanding the data easier. Additionally, it has advanced filtering options that allow you to narrow your search quickly. Both services have strong technical support teams ready to assist customers if needed.


Ahrefs and Google are two of the most popular tools available for webmasters, developers, and marketers. Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO solution that includes keyword research, backlink analysis, content marketing insights, and more. Google offers a suite of tools to help webmasters optimize their sites for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes such as the Google Search Console and Google Analytics. Both platforms provide powerful data and insights into website performance, allowing users to make informed decisions when optimizing websites. Ahrefs provides comprehensive reports on keywords, backlinks, anchor text analysis, content visibility analysis and more. Additionally, it has features such as site audit capabilities which provides an overview of technical SEO issues with a website. Ahrefs also offers competitive analysis which gives users an insight into how their competitors are ranking for certain keywords or topics in search engine result pages (SERPs). Google's suite of tools offer a wide range of features that allow webmasters to monitor their website's performance in SERPs. This includes being able to track organic traffic from search queries and get detailed information about page visits from mobile devices or desktop computers. Additionally, Google Search Console provides notifications when content becomes out of date or if there are any indexing issues. It can also be used to submit sitemaps or URL parameters for better visibility in SERPs. Overall, both Ahrefs and Google offer great insights into webmaster performance but differ in the type of data they provide. Ahrefs focuses more on SEO related data while Google offers more comprehensive analytics regarding website performance in SERPs.


Ahrefs and SEMrush are both popular SEO tools used by digital marketers. The primary difference between the two is in the types of data they provide. Ahrefs offers a comprehensive suite of backlink analysis, keyword research and website auditing features that make it a powerful choice for link building campaigns. SEMrush focuses more on competitor analysis, providing detailed reports on organic search results, PPC activity, domain authority and other metrics that help users uncover opportunities to beat their competitors. Both tools offer comprehensive reporting capabilities, with Ahrefs offering more customisable options while SEMrush offers more visual reporting options. Additionally, Ahrefs offers more advanced analysis features such as its content gap analysis tool while SEMrush has better social media marketing capabilities.


Ahrefs and SimilarWeb are two powerful web analytics tools used by marketers to monitor website performance. Both platforms offer a wide range of features and capabilities, including tracking traffic sources, measuring keyword performance, and researching competitors. Ahrefs is renowned for its comprehensive backlink analysis capabilities. It offers detailed insights into the links pointing to your website, making it easy to find link-building opportunities or troubleshoot any issues you may have with your backlinks. Ahrefs also provides robust content marketing features that allow you to research trending topics, create content ideas, and identify influencers in your niche. SimilarWeb offers similar features as Ahrefs but with a focus on website traffic metrics. It allows users to track referral sources such as organic search, direct traffic, social media networks and more. Additionally, SimilarWeb provides insights into competitor websites and their traffic sources so you can gain valuable insight into what’s working for them. Ultimately, both Ahrefs and SimilarWeb are great options for analyzing website performance and gaining useful insights about your industry rivals. It ultimately comes down to which platform best suits the needs of your business depending on the use case you have in mind.


Ahrefs and SpyFu are both powerful SEO tools that provide users with data about their website and competitors. Ahrefs is more comprehensive, offering more detailed information on backlinks, keyword research, content research, monitoring of brand mentions, site audits and more. SpyFu has a greater focus on keyword research and competitor analysis by tracking organic keywords, search rankings and AdWords activity. It also provides insights into AdWords campaigns of competitors. Both platforms offer a dashboard for quick access to data as well as reporting features to share insights generated from the data.

History of Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a web-based platform that provides tools and services related to SEO, competitive analysis, and keyword research. It was founded in 2011 and has grown quickly to become one of the leading websites in the industry. It offers a wide range of products and services, ranging from comprehensive SEO and link building analysis to advanced keyword research tools. The platform is constantly evolving, adding new features and improving existing ones. It is known for its user-friendly interface and reliable data.

Ahrefs Status

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  • Ahrefs better watch out - these other sites mean business!

    2023-03-07 16:08:31 ·
  • Ahrefs might be in trouble - these other sites are no joke!

    2023-04-13 22:36:28 ·
  • Ahrefs better be careful, or it'll soon find itself out of the top spot!

    2023-07-20 10:27:32 ·
  • Ahrefs better get ready, because the competition is heating up!

    2023-08-28 09:02:09 ·
  • Ahrefs looks like it's got some serious competition now!

    2023-10-17 15:10:50 ·
  • Ahrefs has plenty of competition, but I'm sure it will remain the top dog!

    2024-05-26 07:24:16 ·