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7 Alternatives to Planner: A Comprehensive List of Similar Tools and Resources

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-14 17:48:55

Are you looking for an alternative to Planner? If so, you're in luck. This article will provide you with a comprehensive list of similar websites like Planner, each with its own unique set of features. Whether you're a busy professional, a student, or an entrepreneur, you're sure to find a web-based planning tool that meets your needs. Read on to explore the top choices for planning and organization!



Planner is a powerful task and project management tool that helps you stay organized and get more done. With Planner, you can quickly create tasks, assign them to yourself or your team, set due dates, and track progress. You can also easily collaborate with others on projects, and keep everyone on the same page.


  • Create tasks and assign them to yourself or your team
  • Set due dates and track progress
  • Collaborate with others on projects
  • Keep everyone on the same page
  • Schedule and manage tasks easily
  • Create recurring tasks

Planner Alternatives


Todoist is an easy-to-use to-do list app that helps millions of people stay organized and increase their productivity. With its simple yet powerful design, Todoist can be used for all kinds of tasks, from grocery lists to complex projects.

Has task and project management capabilities, Offers a range of productivity tools and features

More focus on task management instead of planning, More visual interface compared to Planner

Is Todoist a good alternative?


Trello is an easy-to-use project management tool that helps teams of all sizes organize and collaborate on tasks, projects, and ideas. It’s easy to use, flexible, and powerful.

Uses boards and cards to manage tasks and projects, Offers collaboration capabilities

More focus on project management instead of planning, More visual interface compared to Planner

Is Trello a good alternative?


Asana is a leading work management platform that helps teams manage their projects and tasks, collaborate with their colleagues, and track their progress. With Asana, teams can organize their work, break down complex projects, assign tasks, set deadlines, and share files. Asana provides visibility and accountability for teams to stay on track and achieve their goals.

Uses boards and lists to manage tasks and projects, Offers collaboration capabilities

More focus on project management instead of planning, More visual interface compared to Planner

Is Asana a good alternative?

Microsoft To-Do

Microsoft To-Do is a task management app that helps you stay organized and get things done. With its simple and intuitive design, you can easily capture, prioritize, and manage tasks using customizable lists.

Uses lists to manage tasks and projects, Offers collaboration capabilities

More focus on task management instead of planning, More visual interface compared to Planner

Is Microsoft To-Do a good alternative?

Remember the Milk

Remember the Milk is an online task management and to-do list service designed to help you manage your day-to-day tasks in a simple and efficient way.

Uses lists to manage tasks and projects, Offers collaboration capabilities

More focus on task management instead of planning, More visual interface compared to Planner

Is Remember the Milk a good alternative?

Google Calendar

Google Calendar is a free online calendar application that enables users to easily schedule meetings, events, and reminders. It allows users to keep track of events, share calendars with others, and receive reminders.

Uses a calendar view to manage tasks and projects, Offers collaboration capabilities

More focus on scheduling instead of planning, More visual interface compared to Planner

Is Google Calendar a good alternative?
| is a free to-do list, task manager, and calendar app that helps you stay organized and manage your day-to-day. It’s available on both web and mobile so you can keep track of your tasks anytime, anywhere.

Uses lists to manage tasks and projects, Offers collaboration capabilities

More focus on task management instead of planning, More visual interface compared to Planner

Is a good alternative?


Ahrefs is a popular search engine optimization (SEO) toolset that helps marketers and website owners measure the impact of their website on search engine rankings. It helps users analyze their website’s performance in organic search, track competitor's backlinks, and identify new link opportunities.

Both Planner and Ahrefs are websites that provide online tools to help with digital marketing.

Planner is used to develop and manage social media campaigns while Ahrefs is used to improve the visibility of a website in search engine results.

Is Ahrefs a good alternative?


HoneyBook is an all-in-one business management platform designed to help creative entrepreneurs stay organized and streamline their business operations. It offers features to help with invoicing, payments, and scheduling, as well as time-saving automation tools and resources to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses.

Both websites offer software solutions for small businesses.

Planner specializes in project management, while HoneyBook specializes in client booking and payment.

Is HoneyBook a good alternative?

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is the world’s most popular spreadsheet program. It enables users to quickly and easily create, format, and analyze complex data. With Excel, you can sort and filter data, create formulas and functions, create charts and graphs, and more.

Both Planner and Microsoft Excel are programs used to help manage tasks and organize data.

Planner is a web-based program primarily used for project management, while Excel is a spreadsheet program used for creating spreadsheets and analyzing data.

Is Microsoft Excel a good alternative?


Notebook is a free, cloud-based note-taking app that lets you take notes, organize them, and share them with others. With Notebook, you can quickly jot down ideas, store documents, write to-do lists, and more.

Both websites allow users to store and organize information.

Planner is designed to help users manage tasks and projects while Notebook is meant for taking notes.

Is Notebook a good alternative?


ClickUp is the world's best project management and productivity platform, enabling teams to get more done faster. It is an all-in-one workspace for teams to collaborate, plan, organize, and track progress on their projects.

Both Planner and ClickUp are project management tools that allow users to create tasks, assign them to team members, and track progress.

Planner is a web-based application from Microsoft that uses the Kanban system for task organization, while ClickUp is a cloud-based software platform from Doist with more advanced features such as custom views, automation capabilities and integrations.

Is ClickUp a good alternative?


Jira is a project and issue tracking software from Atlassian that allows teams to plan, track, and release world-class software. It provides end-to-end traceability, visibility, and automation across the development lifecycle.

Both Planner and Jira are project management tools used to track the progress of projects.

Planner offers a more basic experience with fewer features, while Jira is more customizable and has more advanced features.

Is Jira a good alternative?

CFA Institute

CFA Institute is a global not-for-profit association of investment professionals. It sets the standard for professional excellence and credentials within the investment industry. CFA Institute promotes the highest standards of ethics, education, and professional excellence for the ultimate benefit of society.

Both websites are designed to help users achieve their financial goals.

Planner is an online tool to assist with personal financial planning, while CFA Institute provides educational resources and certifications for finance professionals.

Is CFA Institute a good alternative?

Planner Head-To-Head

Welcome to our head-to-head comparison of Planner with other websites! In this article, we will take a look at the features offered by various online planning websites to help you decide which one is the best fit for your needs. We’ll explore the differences between Planner and its competitors, looking at their strengths and weaknesses in terms of user experience, pricing, and more. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better idea of which website is right for you. Let's get started!


Planner and Asana are both popular project management tools used to organize and manage tasks, collaborate with colleagues, schedule resources, and track progress. Planner includes a visual task board to view tasks at a glance and easily move tasks from one stage of completion to the next. It also offers integration with Microsoft Office 365 apps like Outlook and Teams for easy collaboration. Asana provides users with customizable views of their projects, allowing them to customize the way they view their data. It also offers features like automated notifications, timeline tracking, and an inbox view to help keep users informed on the status of their projects. Both tools provide reporting capabilities that allow teams to quickly analyze project performance data. Additionally, both offer mobile applications which make it easy for users to access their projects while on the go.


Planner and Ahrefs are two popular website management tools that provide users with a variety of features to help them build, grow, and analyze their websites. Planner offers a wide range of website-building tools, including a drag-and-drop page builder, SEO audit tools, and content management system. It also provides users with an analytics dashboard to track website performance. Ahrefs offers a suite of SEO tools that helps users monitor their website's backlinks, content optimization, keyword research and competitor analysis. It also provides detailed analytics to keep track of organic search traffic. Both tools offer the ability to track competitor data, optimize content for search engine visibility and identify potential link opportunities.


Planner and HoneyBook are both powerful online tools that help entrepreneurs manage their businesses. Planner is developed by Microsoft as part of their Office 365 suite of applications, while HoneyBook is designed specifically for small business owners. Both applications provide users with a suite of features to help them organize their business operations. Both websites offer project management capabilities, allowing users to create tasks and track progress on projects. Planner also allows users to create plans and assign tasks to team members. HoneyBook offers a range of additional features designed to make the business workflow more efficient. It provides automated emails, invoicing tools, payment tracking, lead capture forms, and client portals. It also offers templates for event contracts and agreements so that users can easily create documents that comply with industry regulations. In contrast, Planner is focused primarily on task management and does not offer as many features related to customer relationship management or document management as HoneyBook does. However, it integrates seamlessly with other Office 365 applications like Word, Excel and Outlook so that users can take advantage of the full power of the Microsoft suite of products when managing their businesses.

Microsoft Excel

Planner and Microsoft Excel are both online tools for task management and data organization. Planner offers a more visual approach to organizing tasks, allowing users to set up boards with multiple columns like "To-Do," "In Progress," and "Completed." It also allows collaboration between team members with group chats, file sharing, and comment threads. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that helps users organize data in rows and columns. It can be used to calculate formulas and generate charts or graphs to analyze data points. Excel also has some collaboration features, such as the ability to co-edit documents, share worksheets among team members, or create shared tables. Both programs offer ways to assign tasks to team members, add deadlines,and track progress. However, Excel is more geared towards numerical analysis while Planner is better suited for tracking the progression of multiple projects at once.


Planner and Notebook are two websites that offer users the ability to organize their day-to-day tasks and activities. Planner provides users with a drag-and-drop interface, allowing for easy task management and organization. It also offers automated reminders, notifications, and activity tracking features to keep users up to date on all of their tasks. In addition, it supports Kanban boards and Gantt charts, allowing users to visualize complex project timelines. Notebook offers a sleek design with advanced search capabilities, as well as an innovative notebook-style system that allows users to categorize notes by topics or projects. It also includes powerful collaboration tools such as file sharing, commenting, and assigning tasks. Furthermore, both websites feature integration with popular calendar services such as Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, and iCalendar. While Planner is geared towards project management with its Kanban boards and Gantt charts, Notebook is ideal for note taking and organizing ideas through its notebook-style system.


Planner and ClickUp are both project management tools designed to help users plan, manage, and track their tasks. Planner offers a more visual approach with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, allowing users to assign tasks to team members and check the status of each task. It also allows users to upload files and share them with specific people or the entire team. ClickUp is focused on task tracking, offering features such as automation rules and smart reminders that help users stay on top of their tasks. The platform also includes project timelines to help visualize progress, document collaboration for easy sharing of files, and advanced search capabilities for finding information quickly. ClickUp is highly customizable, allowing users to create custom views based on tags or user preferences. Both Planner and ClickUp offer comprehensive project management solutions but cater to different types of users depending on their preferences.


Planner and Jira are both project management tools used to help teams stay organized, manage tasks, and collaborate with each other. Planner is part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite and is a visual task-management tool that allows users to organize tasks into colorful buckets, track progress in real time, and assign tasks to team members. It also has built in chat functionality to facilitate team collaboration. Jira on the other hand is an enterprise-level project tracking tool designed for agile development teams. It offers custom workflows as well as integration with third party tools like Slack and Github for easy collaboration. It also supports automated reporting so that teams can monitor their progress over time. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive issue tracking system which makes it easier to troubleshoot complex projects.

CFA Institute

Planner and CFA Institute are both comprehensive websites for those seeking to stay up to date with the latest financial industry news, principles, and trends. Planner offers the ability to conveniently search through a wide variety of topics related to finance and retirement planning, such as investment strategies, estate planning tools, and retirement calculators. Additionally, users can access exclusive content from industry experts and use interactive tools to build personalized plans tailored to their unique needs. CFA Institute provides a broad range of resources for those pursuing or considering a career in finance. Users can access current news updates, research papers on various topics, professional development materials and advice on career paths within the field of finance. Additionally, members have access to exclusive events such as webinars and conferences held by the institute itself. Both websites offer great resources for staying abreast of financial trends but Planner is more geared towards helping individuals build personalized plans while CFA Institute focuses more on providing information and advice relevant to a career in finance.


Planner and CPA are both websites that offer accounting and financial planning services. Planner provides accountants to help their clients create a budget and forecast their incomes, as well as helping to manage taxes. It also offers a wide range of tools for tracking expenses and financial goals. CPA provides services such as auditing, tax preparation, consulting, and bookkeeping services. Both websites provide online access to their clients’ accounts, allowing them to view information such as current bank balances and recent transactions. Planner also provides additional features such as investment advice and portfolio management tools. In comparison, CPA offers more specialized services, focusing on providing customers with personal guidance on how best to handle their finances. Additionally, CPA has an online community feature which allows customers to connect with other members in order to discuss financial topics or ask questions related to accounting principles.


Planner and Design are both websites that offer project management and design services to individuals and businesses. Planner offers an intuitive platform with a variety of features to help users plan, manage, and collaborate on projects. It includes tools for task management, project collaboration, resource planning, and more. Design gives users the ability to create custom designs quickly and easily. It provides tools for creating logos, webpages, presentations, flyers, business cards, and other visuals. Both websites allow users to collaborate with others in real-time by sharing files and communicating via chat rooms. Additionally, both websites offer options for exporting projects or designs in various formats such as PDFs or images. The main difference between the two is that Planner focuses more on streamlined project management while Design focuses on providing creative design solutions.

Planner 5D

Planner and Planner 5D are both interior design websites that provide users with the tools to create their own home designs. Planner offers a 3D Modeling System, allowing users to customize every element of their space and see what it would look like as they build it. It also includes pre-built models of actual rooms, helpful tutorials, and an extensive library of furniture pieces. Planner 5D provides an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and over 1,500 items in its library. In addition, it has advanced editing capabilities such as changing the color or texture of any item in the library, adding multiple floors, and creating outdoor spaces. Both websites offer detailed floor plans and renderings that can be shared with others.

Erin Condren

Planner and Erin Condren are two websites offering customizable planners for organizing and tracking activities. Planner is a basic website with monthly and daily planners, habit trackers, to-do lists, goal setting sheets, and more. It also offers a range of tools such as the ability to set reminders, add notes to each page, and personalize pages with stickers or photos. Erin Condren takes planner customization one step further by allowing users to customize the cover of their planner with various designs, colors, and photos. The inside pages can also be customized with various layouts and color schemes for added personalization. Both sites offer several different sizes for their planners as well as the ability to add pages if needed. Additionally, both sites offer a subscription service that allows users to receive monthly refill pages.


Planner and HomeStyler are two online platforms that make it easy for users to plan and design their home. Both websites offer a wide range of tools to help users create their dream home. Planner provides an interactive 3D environment for users to explore, allowing them to customize the layout of rooms and furniture according to their preferences. It also offers different levels of customization, including color scheme, wall finishes and flooring options. Users can also share their projects with friends or family members in order to get feedback on the designs they’ve created. HomeStyler is a visualizer tool that allows users to upload photos of their space and visualize what it would look like after being redecorated. It has a library of furniture styles and colors to choose from, as well as tutorials on how to design a room according to specific themes. HomeStyler also features a “style quiz” which helps users find the perfect decorating style for their space. Additionally, it provides tips and advice from experts so that users can get the most out of their redesigns.


Planner and HomeByMe are both interior design websites that make it easy for users to plan, design, and decorate their home or office. Planner allows users to start from scratch with floor planning tools and plenty of furniture options. It also offers a wide variety of textures, finishes, and colors. HomeByMe, on the other hand, uses 3D technology to bring a user’s vision to life by allowing them to virtually try out different furniture pieces in any space. Additionally, HomeByMe has a library of real-life images with inspirational ideas and projects from experts to help get started. Both websites are user-friendly and offer tutorials for assistance along the way.


Planner and Kickoff are both project management tools designed to help teams with organization and collaboration. Planner is a part of Microsoft Office 365 and provides users with a visual way to organize their tasks, assign them to team members, share files, have conversations about projects, and track their progress. Kickoff is a project management tool that helps teams create plans and collaborate on projects. It allows multiple users to work together in real-time from different locations and provides features such as task tracking, status updates, notes sharing, file attachments, comments, and activity monitoring. Both tools offer customizable views for better organization of tasks and projects as well as reporting capabilities that allow users to track progress over time. Additionally, each platform offers integration with popular third-party apps like Dropbox and Slack.


Planner and SEMrush are powerful online tools that help businesses with their digital marketing. Planner is an all-in-one platform for businesses to plan, organize, collaborate, and track their campaigns from a single dashboard. It features a customizable calendar with task-management capabilities, team collaboration features to help manage projects and tasks together, insights into what’s working and what isn’t in campaigns, plus visual reporting data to measure key performance indicators. SEMrush is an all-in-one digital marketing suite designed to help marketers get more out of their online activities. It provides comprehensive tools such as keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink monitoring, SEO audit reports, social media tracking and analytics and content marketing research. It also allows users to create custom reports with data visualization to quickly identify opportunities and strategies.


Planner and are both project management tools that offer features to help teams and businesses stay organized. Planner is a part of the Microsoft 365 suite which provides users with a range of collaborative tools, including an interactive board view, task lists, and file sharing. offers users more customization options than Planner, allowing them to customize their boards and workflows according to their individual needs. Both platforms offer task tracking capabilities, but allows users to create custom labels for tasks as well as assign tags for easier organization of their projects. Additionally, allows users to easily add comments and attachments to each task in order to communicate with team members about specific tasks or progress updates. Finally, while both tools provide reporting capabilities, offers more robust reporting tools that allow users to quickly see how far along each project is at a glance and track who is responsible for different tasks or project phases.


Planner and Market are two popular web-based project management applications. Planner offers a simple, visual way to organize team tasks and communicate progress. It provides users with an overview of all their group's activities with support for assigning tasks, tracking progress, and sharing files. Market is a powerful collaboration platform that allows teams to collaborate on projects in real time. It features a rich set of features including task management, document sharing, communications tools, reporting capabilities, resource planning and more. Both platforms allow users to easily track tasks and deadlines, share files and documents with team members, assign tasks to individuals or groups and manage resources in order to optimize productivity. However, Planner provides a simpler interface that focuses on task management while Market provides more in-depth features such as resource planning and real-time collaboration capabilities.


Planner is a task management service offered by Microsoft that lets users create tasks and assign them to team members. It also allows users to add notes, attach files, and set due dates for tasks. Additionally, Planner offers a calendar view of tasks and deadlines as well as options for assigning labels to different tasks. Trello is another task management service that allows users to organize their projects into boards and cards. Trello’s boards provide an easy way to manage ongoing projects with the ability to add comments, attachments, checklists and due dates for tasks. Additionally, Trello offers a variety of views including lists and calendars as well as integration with third-party services such as Slack and Github.


Planner and Moleskine are two websites that offer tools and services to help people stay organized. Planner is an online task management tool designed to help individuals, teams, and companies work together more efficiently. It offers a range of features such as creating tasks, assigning them to team members, tracking progress and deadlines, generating reports, and integrating with other applications. Moleskine is an online service for creating handwritten notes and sketches on digital devices. It allows users to capture ideas in their own handwriting using special paper notebooks or the app's digital canvas. It also provides cloud storage for saving notes, syncing across multiple devices, sharing notes with others, and scanning documents with its mobile app. Both Planner and Moleskine offer customizable workflows tailored to each user’s needs so they can stay productive while keeping track of their projects.

History of Planner

Planner is a website that has been around since the early 2000s, providing users with a place to organize their tasks and goals. Its design has evolved over the years to become a comprehensive productivity tool, allowing users to create tasks, set reminders, and manage their workflows. It has become an indispensable resource for individuals and businesses alike, offering an intuitive and efficient way to stay on track and achieve success.


  • Glad to know I have a Planner-backup plan!

    2023-06-03 16:27:13 ·
  • I guess if you can't find what you need on Planner, you now have 9 more places to look!

    2024-01-12 00:33:27 ·
  • Well, if I was looking for a Planner, I guess I have 10 options now!

    2024-03-04 06:51:18 ·
  • Who knew there were so many Planner alternatives out there?!

    2024-03-26 13:55:15 ·
  • Good thing I checked this article out before I started searching for a Planner!

    2024-05-15 05:23:44 ·