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Check Out These Alternatives to FBref: A Comprehensive List of Similar Websites

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-26 10:04:49

Are you looking for similar websites like FBref that can help you with your sports-related research? If yes, you have come to the right place. In this article, we have compiled a list of 6 websites like FBref that offer comprehensive, reliable, and up-to-date sports statistics. Whether it's football, baseball, basketball, or hockey, these websites have got you covered! So read on to find out more about these handy resources.



FBref is a comprehensive football statistics and reference website. It contains detailed statistics for leagues, teams, players, competitions, and more.

FBref Alternatives


WhoScored is a football live scores website that offers fans and players the latest live score results, football statistics and detailed match data.

Provides detailed statistics for soccer teams and players, analysis of team and individual performances.

More in-depth analysis of team and individual performances, less comprehensive coverage of other sports.

Is WhoScored a good alternative?


Transfermarkt is the number one source for the most up-to-date information on professional football transfers and players. It provides comprehensive news and statistical data, as well as comprehensive transfer market data on the most popular European football leagues.

Provides detailed statistics for soccer teams and players, transfer market information.

More comprehensive coverage of transfer markets, fewer in-depth analysis of team and individual performances, less coverage of other sports.

Is Transfermarkt a good alternative?


Soccerway is the world's largest soccer website, providing fans with news, results, fixtures, tables, and statistics from the world's biggest league and cup competitions.

Provides detailed statistics for soccer teams and players, team and individual head-to-head comparison.

Fewer in-depth analysis of team and individual performances, less comprehensive coverage of other sports.

Is Soccerway a good alternative?

Sports Reference

Sports Reference is a comprehensive sports statistics and history website. It covers a wide range of professional and amateur sports, including rules and regulations, team and individual records, and historical information.

Provides detailed statistics for multiple sports, historical data.

More comprehensive coverage of other sports, fewer in-depth analysis of team and individual performances.

Is Sports Reference a good alternative?


Stathead is a sports statistic tracking service that helps users gain an edge in the world of sports. It provides access to advanced sports statistics, including detailed stats for every player, team, and game in the major sports leagues. It also offers tools to help users quickly and easily analyze and compare stats and trends, as well as a customizable dashboard to track and compare league-wide stats.

Provides detailed statistics for multiple sports, analysis of team and individual performances.

More in-depth analysis of team and individual performances, less comprehensive coverage of other sports.

Is Stathead a good alternative?
| is the official web site of the National Hockey League. provides up-to-date scores, statistics, news, highlights, and more for fans of the NHL.

Provides detailed statistics for hockey teams and players.

More comprehensive coverage of hockey, fewer in-depth analysis of team and individual performances, less coverage of other sports.

Is a good alternative?


ESPN is an online sports media website and mobile app that provides comprehensive coverage of the latest sports news, scores, stats, standings, rumors and more.

Provides detailed statistics for multiple sports.

More comprehensive coverage of other sports, fewer in-depth analysis of team and individual performances.

Is ESPN a good alternative?

History of FBref

FBref is a website that provides comprehensive and up-to-date statistics, scores, and information about football (soccer) players and competitions from around the world. It was founded in 2018 as a joint venture between a US-based sports data company and a European football data company. The website quickly grew to be one of the most comprehensive sources of football data and has since become a go-to source for football fans, journalists, and researchers.

FBref Status

The FBref website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-05-20 01:00:20).

Last checked 2024-05-20 01:00:20.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing FBref's website? .
Check FBref's Twitter for recent updates.


  • Finally, a list of FBref alternatives that I can trust!

    2023-06-22 06:31:31 ·
  • Looks like I'm gonna be spending a lot of time on the internet today!

    2023-07-15 09:55:18 ·
  • This is like the ultimate cheat sheet for anyone who needs a break from FBref!

    2023-07-30 14:16:43 ·
  • How many times a day can I switch between these sites without looking like a crazy person?

    2023-08-03 15:08:32 ·
  • Guess I know what I'm doing for the rest of the day!

    2024-01-20 05:38:12 ·