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7 Alternatives to Pronouny for Easily Referring to Someone's Gender Pronouns

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-11 13:07:41

Are you looking for a website like Pronouny but with a different set of features? Look no further! In this article, we will be discussing a list of similar websites that offer different features, so you can get the most out of your online experience. Whether you’re looking for a more user-friendly interface or better customization options, you’ll be sure to find the perfect website for you. So, let’s take a look at our list of similar websites like Pronouny!

Pronouny is an online platform designed to help everyone use gender neutral pronouns in everyday life. With our easy-to-follow tutorials and resources, anyone can learn how to use gender neutral pronouns and make sure everyone around them feels respected and included.


  • Comprehensive tutorials and resources on gender neutral pronouns
  • Easy-to-follow instructions
  • Tips on how to use gender neutral pronouns in different contexts
  • Ability to ask questions and get answers from experts

Pronouny Alternatives


Grammarly is an automated proofreader and grammar checker. It checks for more than 400 types of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, enhances vocabulary usage, and suggests citations.

Both are online grammar checking services.

Grammarly offers more comprehensive editing services than Pronouny, including spelling, grammar, and punctuation checking, as well as sentence structure and clarity improvement tools.

Is Grammarly a good alternative?


ProWritingAid is a web-based suite of writing tools designed to help improve your writing quality and accuracy. It offers in-depth analysis of grammar, structure, and style, as well as helpful suggestions to make your writing stronger.

Both are online grammar checking services.

ProWritingAid offers more comprehensive editing services than Pronouny, including style, grammar, and readability checking, as well as suggestions for other forms of writing such as fiction, copywriting, and technical writing.

Is ProWritingAid a good alternative?


PaperRater is an online proofreading and grammar checker tool that helps students and professionals improve the quality of their writing. It provides automated feedback on writing style, grammar, plagiarism, and more.

Both are online grammar checking services.

PaperRater offers more comprehensive editing services than Pronouny, including spelling, grammar, and plagiarism checking, as well as an automated scoring system.

Is PaperRater a good alternative?


WhiteSmoke is a comprehensive writing solution that covers all aspects of the writing process. From editing and proofreading to copywriting and translation, WhiteSmoke has you covered. Our AI-powered technology helps you to fine-tune your grammar, spelling and punctuation, and enhances your vocabulary for improved writing.

Both are online grammar checking services.

WhiteSmoke offers more comprehensive editing services than Pronouny, including spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style checking, as well as a translation service.

Is WhiteSmoke a good alternative?


LanguageTool is an open source grammar and style checker for English, French, German, Polish, and many other languages. It is a web-based tool that checks texts for errors with a focus on grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Both are online grammar checking services.

LanguageTool offers more comprehensive editing services than Pronouny, including spelling, grammar, and style checking, as well as support for more than 20 languages.

Is LanguageTool a good alternative?


SlickWrite is a free web-based writing tool that helps make your writing better by finding and correcting common grammar, spelling, and style mistakes. It also includes an in-depth writing editor with customizable text-analysis options, such as readability scores, sentence structure, and tone.

Both are online grammar checking services.

SlickWrite offers more comprehensive editing services than Pronouny, including spelling, grammar, and punctuation checking, as well as a text editor with customizable formatting options.

Is SlickWrite a good alternative?

Hemingway App

Hemingway App is an easy-to-use writing tool that helps you improve your writing craft. It provides valuable feedback on your writing, so you can make your writing clearer, easier to understand, and more engaging.

Both are online grammar checking services.

HemingwayApp offers more comprehensive editing services than Pronouny, including spelling, grammar, and readability checking, as well as an automated score for the readability level of the text.

Is Hemingway App a good alternative?


Article is an online-only retailer of modern furniture and home decor. Our mission is to make great design accessible to everyone.

Is Article a good alternative?


Medium is a platform for reading and writing stories on various topics, ranging from current events to personal experiences. The platform is designed to make it easy for anyone to share their stories with the world.

Both websites allow users to write and publish their own content.

Pronouny is a blogging platform while Medium is a publishing platform.

Is Medium a good alternative?

Pronouny Head-To-Head

Welcome to the head-to-head comparison of Pronouny with other websites! Pronouny is a free web tool that helps you easily and quickly create, maintain, and share your pronouns across multiple platforms. We have compared Pronouny to several popular websites to provide a comprehensive overview of its features and advantages. In this review, we'll explore the ease of use, versatility, security, and other key factors that make Pronouny stand out from the competition. So let's get started!


Pronouny and Article are both web-based content optimization tools that can help businesses and organizations create well-crafted written communications. Pronouny is an AI-powered writing platform that specializes in automating grammar checking, punctuation corrections, and style suggestions. It features an interactive editor with real-time feedback, a personalized writing assistant, and instant proofreading of texts. Pronouny also allows users to store notes and access them quickly from the platform. Article is a comprehensive content optimization tool that provides users with a suite of features such as keyword research, SEO tracking, plagiarism detection, copy editing, style suggestions, readability analysis, and more. It uses natural language processing to generate insights for improving digital content quality. Article also offers integrated analytics that allow customers to keep track of their performance over time. Additionally, it provides tools for collaboration between team members. Overall, both Pronouny and Article offer powerful solutions to help businesses create high-quality written communications. While Pronouny focuses on automated grammar checking and punctuation corrections features as well as providing access to personal notes stored on the platform, Article has a wider set of features such as keyword research and SEO tracking in addition to copy editing capabilities.


Pronouny and Medium are both websites that provide a platform for users to create, publish, and share content. Pronouny is a publishing platform that allows authors to write, edit, format, and distribute ebooks to various digital retailers. It also offers tools for marketing and analytics. On the other hand, Medium is an online publishing platform that allows users to read articles on topics ranging from business to lifestyle. Unlike Pronouny, which focuses primarily on ebook publishing, Medium's focus is more varied and includes blog posts, essays, magazine-style stories, and even podcasts. In addition to its blog-style writing platform, Pronouny also provides a suite of tools for authors such as manuscript formatting templates and royalty calculators. By comparison, Medium offers some additional features including commenting capabilities and reader engagement analytics.

History of Pronouny

Pronouny is a website that was founded in 2015 to help people avoid gender-based language in their writing. It provides a platform for users to create custom sets of pronouns that they can use in their writing, as well as a library of pre-made pronoun sets. The website is quickly gaining traction, as many people and organizations are looking for ways to be more inclusive in their writing.

Pronouny Status

The Pronouny website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-06-09 01:00:43).

Last checked 2024-06-09 01:00:43.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing Pronouny's website? .


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