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Top 7 Alternatives to LeetCode for Coding Practice and Interview Preparation

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-19 03:10:11

Are you a programmer looking for websites with similar features to LeetCode? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the best websites to help you hone your coding skills and stay ahead of the competition. These sites offer an array of coding challenges, tutorials, and practice problems to help you become a coding pro. From comprehensive online courses to interactive coding challenges, these sites have everything you need to stay sharp. Read on to discover the best alternative sites to LeetCode.



LeetCode is a platform for preparing technical coding interviews. It offers a variety of programming challenges and coding exercises, as well as educational resources and a supportive community. With LeetCode, you can sharpen your coding skills, improve your interview performance, and find job opportunities.


  • High-quality programming challenges
  • Educational resources
  • Competitive programming contests
  • Interview practice

LeetCode Alternatives


CodeChef is a global programming community that fosters learning and friendly competition. It provides a platform for coders from all over the world to come together, learn and practice coding, and compete in programming challenges.

Both provide coding challenges and practice problems

Codechef has a more game-like approach to coding challenges, with leaderboards and rewards for top performers

Is CodeChef a good alternative?


HackerRank is an online platform for developers to solve programming challenges and compete with others. It has coding challenges in 11 different programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Python, SQL, and JavaScript.

Both provide coding challenges and practice problems with a more competitive approach

HackerRank has more of a focus on real-world coding problems, with challenges that are more related to actual coding tasks

Is HackerRank a good alternative?


Codeforces is an online platform for competitive programming, where programmers from all levels can compete in a variety of programming contests and challenges. The platform also offers a wide range of practice problems and tutorials to help users improve their coding skills.

Both provide coding challenges and practice problems with a competitive approach

CodeForces has a more game-like approach, with leaderboards, rewards and more game-like challenges

Is Codeforces a good alternative?

Project Euler

Project Euler is a website dedicated to a series of challenging mathematical and computer programming problems. It is intended to help users develop their problem-solving skills by understanding and solving mathematical and computer programming problems. The website has a large library of problems, with solutions and discussion forums for each problem.

Both provide coding challenges and practice problems

ProjectEuler focuses more on mathematical problems, with challenges that involve more math than coding

Is Project Euler a good alternative?


Topcoder is an online platform that connects business and organizations with the world's top talent to solve their most complex challenges. It provides outsourcing, software development, and other services to help companies increase their efficiency, productivity, and innovation.

Both provide coding challenges and practice problems with a competitive approach

TopCoder has more of a focus on real-world coding problems, with challenges that are more related to actual coding tasks

Is Topcoder a good alternative?


Coderbyte is a web application that provides hundreds of programming challenges of varying difficulty levels so that developers can practice, prepare for interviews, and hone their coding skills. Coderbyte also provides resources such as tutorials, webinars, and tips for aspiring developers.

Both provide coding challenges and practice problems

Coderbyte focuses more on coding challenges with a beginner-friendly approach, with challenges that are easier than those provided by LeetCode

Is Coderbyte a good alternative?


Codingame is an online platform to learn coding and compete with other coders. It provides tutorials and challenges to help you learn coding and practice your coding skills.

Both provide coding challenges and practice problems with a game-like approach

CodinGame has a more game-like approach to coding challenges, with challenges that are more game-oriented than those provided by LeetCode

Is Codingame a good alternative?


AlgoExpert is a comprehensive platform for coding interview preparation, providing a variety of resources to help you ace your next coding interview. With an extensive library of video explanations, code challenges, and practice interview questions, AlgoExpert helps you prepare for real-world coding interviews.

Both websites offer coding practice and interview preparation resources.

LeetCode focuses on algorithm practice while AlgoExpert provides video explanations of coding topics.

Is AlgoExpert a good alternative?

Advent of Code

Advent of Code is a series of coding challenges created by Eric Wastl. Each day contains a unique challenge with a set of inputs and outputs, and the goal is to solve the challenge. The challenges increase in difficulty over the course of the month and can range from simple algorithms to complex data structures.

Both websites offer programming challenges for users to solve.

LeetCode offers a platform to practice coding and prepare for interviews, while Advent of Code is an annual event that offers a set of programming puzzles for the holiday season.

Is Advent of Code a good alternative?


Codecademy is an online learning platform for coding. It offers interactive courses and projects in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and more, from beginner to advanced levels.

Both websites are online learning platforms.

LeetCode focuses on coding challenges, while Codecademy provides interactive coding tutorials.

Is Codecademy a good alternative?


Codewars is an online platform for coding and programming learners of all levels. The platform offers a variety of exercises, challenges, and tutorials to help users improve their coding skills. With a supportive community of coders from around the world, users can also take part in virtual competitions and collaborate with others to solve complex coding problems.

Both websites provide programming challenges for users to brush up their coding skills.

LeetCode focuses on offering a variety of coding questions and Codewars focuses on providing programming challenges with an emphasis on martial arts-style ranking system.

Is Codewars a good alternative?


DataCamp is an online learning platform for data science. It offers interactive courses and projects to help learners become data scientists and gain valuable data skills.

Both websites offer online courses for computer science and programming.

LeetCode provides practice problems and mock interviews, while DataCamp focuses on teaching data science tools and techniques.

Is DataCamp a good alternative?


Educative is an online learning platform that provides interactive textbooks and courses to help developers learn to code. Educative offers courses in programming, web development, data science, and more, and provides a variety of learning materials and exercises to get developers up to speed quickly.

Both websites offer online courses related to coding.

LeetCode focuses on preparing users for coding interviews while Educative helps users learn new programming languages and technologies.

Is Educative a good alternative?


Edabit is an online platform that provides interactive coding challenges and tools to help people learn to code. With over 1000 coding challenges, users can practice and hone their programming skills in a variety of languages, including JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and more.

Both websites offer programming challenges and exercises to help users improve their coding skills.

LeetCode provides users with a range of additional features such as the ability to save progress, view detailed solutions and discuss questions with others, while Edabit focuses primarily on creating programming challenges.

Is Edabit a good alternative?

LeetCode Head-To-Head

Are you looking to brush up on your coding skills? Have you been trying to decide which platform is best for your needs? If so, a head-to-head comparison of LeetCode and other websites can help you make an informed decision. LeetCode is one of the most popular coding platforms available and offers a wide range of programming challenges that can help improve your skills. In this article, we'll compare LeetCode with other coding platforms such as HackerRank, Codewars, and CodeChef to give you an overview of each website's features, pricing plans, and user interface.


LeetCode and AlgoExpert are both websites that provide users with resources to improve their coding skills. LeetCode is focused on helping users prepare for coding interviews and offers hundreds of practice problems, real interview questions from top tech companies, and a live coaching feature. AlgoExpert provides detailed video explanations of popular algorithms and data structures, tailored study plans, challenges to assess your progress, and practice questions. Both services provide a platform where users can submit their solutions to be reviewed by peers. LeetCode has an extensive library of real-world interview questions from top tech companies, but does not offer any challenges or assessments for users’ learning progress. In contrast, AlgoExpert allows users to test their knowledge through challenges and assessments as well as track their progress in the platform’s leaderboard feature. Additionally, AlgoExpert provides its users with detailed video explanations of popular algorithms and data structures which can help them develop a better understanding of the topics.

Advent of Code

LeetCode and Advent of Code are both coding challenge websites that provide users with the opportunity to improve their programming skills. Both websites offer a variety of coding challenges, but the primary difference is in their format. LeetCode offers a range of online coding problems with varying difficulty levels. The website also allows users to practice coding on various topics such as algorithms, data structures, and software engineering. In addition, users can view solutions from previous challenges and receive feedback from other coders on how to improve their code. Advent of Code is an annual event where users complete a set of daily programming challenges throughout December. The challenges range from easy to extremely difficult and usually require some creative problem solving skills to complete. In addition, each challenge has its own story that is revealed as users progress through the puzzles. Both websites provide a great way for coders to practice and hone their skills, though the format of LeetCode may be better suited for those who are interested in tackling more challenging problems.


LeetCode and Codecademy are two popular online learning platforms for coding skills development. Both websites provide a wide range of coding challenges to help users further their development and build their skills. LeetCode has a variety of coding challenges in both easy and hard difficulty levels, ranging from algorithms to databases, to help you practice your coding skills. It also provides detailed feedback on submitted solutions allowing you to better understand and improve your code. Additionally, LeetCode offers the ability to track progress with personalized statistics, as well as access to a large library of articles and tutorials on various topics related to programming. Codecademy is an interactive platform which provides structured courses teaching users how to code using languages such as Python, HTML and Java. Their courses include hands-on exercises along with quiz questions which helps keep users engaged throughout the course. Furthermore, Codecademy also offers personalized recommendations for content tailored specifically for each user's unique needs so that users can find the most suitable content for their current level. In conclusion, LeetCode is great for honing technical coding skills whereas Codecademy is great for learning how to actually develop programs from scratch.


LeetCode and Codewars are both popular online coding platforms that provide tools to help users learn and practice their coding skills. LeetCode is geared towards preparing for technical interviews, mainly focused on software engineering and data science related topics. It offers a large library of questions with editorials, solutions, and discussions for each one. It also provides mock interviews and other resources to help users prepare for job interviews. Codewars is similar in that it offers a collection of coding challenges but focuses more on helping users hone their coding skills by allowing them to compare their solutions with others in the community. Both platforms provide an online editor with syntax highlighting and code completion as well as a system for tracking progress over time. Additionally, they both have mobile apps available to track progress while on the go.


LeetCode and Codeforces are both websites for programming challenges and practice problems. LeetCode features a wide variety of questions with different difficulty levels to choose from, as well as detailed explanations for each solution. Additionally, it has an online IDE which allows users to write and test their code in the browser. Codeforces also provides a wide range of questions, but is more focused on competitive programming. It offers virtual contests in which users can compete against others, as well as a rating system which allows users to track their progress over time. Both websites offer forums where users can discuss solutions and find help if needed.


LeetCode and CodeChef are both popular websites for programming practice and competitive programming. LeetCode provides over 1800 coding problems, with varying levels of difficulty. It also provides real-life examples from companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook to help users get a better idea of the type of coding challenges they might face in their job interviews. LeetCode allows users to track their progress and compare their results with those of other users. CodeChef is another popular website for competitive programming. It offers over 500 coding problems, with a wide range of difficulty levels. The website also offers tutorials on topics such as algorithms, data structures, mathematics, computer science theory and graph theory. CodeChef also hosts multiple contests throughout the year with attractive cash prizes for winners. In addition to individual contests, it also hosts team contests that allow its users to collaborate in solving complex coding challenges.


LeetCode and DataCamp are both popular websites for learning coding skills. LeetCode primarily focuses on preparing users for technical interviews and software engineering roles, while DataCamp offers a more comprehensive curriculum of data science related topics. LeetCode provides video tutorials, interactive coding challenges, job interview questions and answers, and a community forum. The platform also has an extensive library of problems to solve which can be sorted by difficulty or topic. On the other hand, DataCamp offers courses in data science topics such as machine learning, deep learning, big data, SQL and Python. It also has interactive coding challenges to help users learn the material. Both websites offer hands-on projects with real world data sets to apply what they've learned. Overall, both LeetCode and DataCamp are great platforms for building coding skills with plenty of resources to use along the way. Depending on what one is looking to learn, either website can meet their needs well.


LeetCode and Educative are both websites that offer online courses to help users learn coding and improve their technical skills. LeetCode specializes in preparing users for coding interviews, offering practice questions, tutorials, and hints to help users prepare. Educative focuses on teaching programming languages such as Python, Java, and JavaScript through interactive courses with quizzes and hands-on projects. Both sites feature a community of like-minded learners to discuss topics and give feedback on one another’s projects. Additionally, they both provide resources such as video lectures, articles, cheat sheets, and flashcards to aid in the learning process. The main difference between the two is that LeetCode emphasizes practice questions while Educative focuses more on the fundamentals of programming.


LeetCode and Edabit are two websites offering online coding challenges. LeetCode is geared towards software engineers, while Edabit is suitable for developers of all skill levels. Both sites provide an array of coding problems with varying difficulty levels. LeetCode has a large database of over 1,500 algorithm and system design questions that can be sorted by company or language. It also offers several other tools such as mock interviews, articles, and video lessons to help users hone their skills. In addition, LeetCode provides a discussion section for coders to discuss solutions and ask questions. Edabit features more than 3,000 coding challenges across different languages and topics such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Python, React, and Machine Learning. It also offers educational content such as quizzes, tutorials, and articles to help users learn new concepts. Additionally, Edabit has several interactive tasks which allow coders to write code directly in the browser window without downloading any external tools or applications. Both LeetCode and Edabit offer great resources for anyone looking to practice their programming skills or learn something new.


LeetCode and Exercism are both websites that offer coding challenges to help users enhance their programming skills. LeetCode is focused on helping users prepare for tech interviews, while Exercism offers a more general collection of coding exercises. LeetCode offers a wide variety of problems, from simple to complex, with detailed explanations and test cases for each problem. Users can track their progress and compete against others in online competitions. It also provides a platform for job seekers to practice technical interviews and post solutions to real-world questions from companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft. Exercism offers over 200 coding challenges across several programming languages such as JavaScript, Ruby, Python and Go. Each problem includes automated tests that give immediate feedback on the quality of the solution. It also has an online community where users can discuss solutions and get help with their coding questions. In addition, Exercism provides mentors who can provide personalized guidance on specific tasks.


LeetCode and are both websites that provide educational resources and coding practice for software engineering professionals. LeetCode offers a wide range of coding problems to help developers prepare for software engineering interviews, practice algorithms, and learn new programming languages. It also provides detailed editorial solutions that explain how to solve each problem as well as discuss the time complexity of different solutions. Additionally, LeetCode has an active community forum where users can ask questions and get help from other experienced software engineers. provides interactive courses with coding challenges, hands-on projects, quizzes, and assessments to help developers learn about data structures, algorithms, object-oriented design principles, databases, system design techniques and much more. The courses are organized into paths (e.g., Machine Learning Engineer or Full Stack Developer) so users can progress through the materials in a structured way while tracking their progress along the way. Educative also offers a platform for instructors to create their own interactive courses and tutorials on any software engineering topic they choose.

Project Euler

LeetCode and Project Euler are both websites that offer online coding challenges for individuals interested in improving their coding skills. Both websites are free to use, and offer a wide range of topics for users to explore. LeetCode focuses primarily on algorithms and data structures, providing users with hundreds of practice problems, and access to tutorials. There is also an active community forum, where users can discuss solutions and ask questions. Additionally, it offers job recruiting opportunities from partner companies. Project Euler is a website devoted to mathematical problem solving. It provides users with several hundred mathematics-based problems that require coding solutions. The website also offers tutorial materials, as well as a discussion forum for users to ask questions or share ideas. Unlike LeetCode, Project Euler does not provide any job recruitment opportunities through the website itself.


LeetCode and Medium are both websites with a wide variety of features designed to help users become better at coding and writing respectively. LeetCode offers an array of coding challenges, practice problems, tutorials, job postings and interview practices for software engineers to hone their skills. On the other hand, Medium is a blogging platform where users can write articles about any topic they wish. It has tools for editing posts and allows users to share their stories with the rest of the world. Different from LeetCode, Medium also provides podcasts, books and courses. Both websites have a supportive community full of people eager to learn from each other. Additionally, they offer personalized recommendations based on user’s interests and preferences.


LeetCode and Free Code Camp are two popular websites which offer coding resources to help users further their programming skills. Although each of these sites has its own unique features, both provide a great opportunity for users to hone their coding abilities. LeetCode offers users a wide variety of coding challenges in over 15 languages, including Python, Java, C++ and JavaScript. Its main focus is helping developers prepare for coding interviews through questions that cover topics like algorithms and data structures. It also provides users with various tools such as an interactive editor, detailed solutions and an explanation system to help them better understand the concepts behind each problem. In addition, LeetCode also offers video tutorials from experienced programmers in order to give users a more comprehensive learning experience. Free Code Camp is another website dedicated to helping people become better coders. This site provides users with over 1,200 hours of coding challenges which span across multiple languages such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. It also provides several projects that allow users to apply their new found knowledge in real-world scenarios as well as several articles about coding best practices written by industry experts. Furthermore, Free Code Camp has an active online community where members can share tips and ask questions related to programming topics. Overall, both LeetCode and Free Code Camp are excellent resources for anyone looking to improve their programming skills either for personal or professional growth.


LeetCode and GeeksforGeeks are two popular websites for learning coding and preparing for coding interviews. Both websites offer tutorials, practice problems, and discussion forums to help users become better coders. LeetCode offers a selection of curated problem sets with detailed explanations and solutions that can be ordered by difficulty level or topic such as algorithms or data structures. GeeksforGeeks provides an ever-growing library of tutorials on various coding topics, as well as practice problems with automated evaluation. Additionally, GeeksforGeeks offers interview preparation advice and a "Company-wise Preparation" section that provides resources tailored to specific companies' interviewing processes. Both sites have active discussion forums where users can ask questions and discuss coding topics with each other.


LeetCode and GitHub are both websites that provide users with coding resources, but they offer unique features for different purposes. LeetCode is a platform for technical interview preparation, job search, and online coding challenges. It includes coding practice questions and answers for various programming languages, as well as tutorials and articles about algorithms and data structures. GitHub is a source code repository for software developers to host their projects and collaborate on them with other developers. It offers version control, project management tools, bug tracking, hosted repositories of open source code, and wiki-style collaboration. Both websites feature an active community of coders who can help each other out or share tips and tricks. However, while LeetCode focuses primarily on coding questions to prepare coders for interviews or job searches, GitHub focuses more on collaboration between developers to create software projects together.


LeetCode and HackerRank are two popular websites for software engineers to practice their coding skills. Both offer a wide range of coding challenges, including algorithms, data structures, and interview questions. LeetCode offers more than 1,500 practice problems in over 40 programming languages and has a large community of coders who provide support and help each other out. The main focus of LeetCode is on preparing for job interviews. It offers mock interview simulations with real-world code problems, as well as comprehensive editorial solutions and tutorials. HackerRank focuses on competitive programming with hundreds of challenges across numerous categories such as algorithms, mathematics, strings, backtracking, dynamic programming, etc. It also has a great set of tutorials that cover topics like arrays and linked lists. Its challenge library contains questions from some of the most popular tech companies like Microsoft and Amazon. Overall, LeetCode is best suited for those looking to hone their coding skills for job interviews or just need some extra practice while HackerRank is great for competitive coders who want to improve their problem-solving skills through rigorous competitive challenges.


LeetCode and HackerEarth are both websites for coders to improve their coding skills. LeetCode offers an online platform with thousands of coding challenges and mock interviews, as well as other resources such as a discussion board and tutorials. The challenges range from easy to hard, and users can filter by language or difficulty. HackerEarth offers practice questions, tutorials, competitions, hackathons, and more. It also has a discussion forum where users can ask questions and discuss coding topics. On HackerEarth, there is also a job board where users can find remote coding jobs. Both websites offer free access to some of their content but require premium subscriptions for access to all content. In terms of features, LeetCode provides more focused practice on specific areas such as algorithms or data structures while HackerEarth’s focus is more broad with its various activities and job postings.


LeetCode and InterviewBit are both popular websites for programming practice, interviews preparation and online coding competitions. Both sites provide a range of tools to help users improve their coding skills, such as quality content, tutorials and practice problems. LeetCode provides over 1900 questions covering a wide variety of topics related to computer science, software engineering and algorithmic problem solving. It also has an in-depth discussion forum where users can discuss solutions and ask questions. Furthermore, it offers mock interviews to help users prepare for real-world coding interviews. InterviewBit provides more than 1000 questions with detailed explanations regarding different programming topics like data structures & algorithms, system design, databases and web development. Additionally, it offers personalized guidance by providing structured courses tailored to the user's level of expertise. It also hosts live coding sessions that allow users to get feedback from experienced programmers in real time. In conclusion, LeetCode is a great resource for practicing coding skills while InterviewBit provides a more comprehensive approach with personalized guidance as well as real-time feedback on code submissions.


LeetCode and Kaggle are both popular websites for data science enthusiasts. LeetCode is a platform that provides coding challenges, practice problems, and interviews preparation to help programmers level up their coding skills. It offers hundreds of coding challenges in many different languages within multiple categories, such as algorithms, database design, system design, and more. It also provides users with the ability to create custom submissions and analyze other people's solutions. Kaggle is an online community of data scientists and machine learning engineers that provides datasets, competitions, tutorials, jobs boards, and other resources. It allows users to explore deep learning techniques on various datasets to build models that can solve real-world problems. Additionally, Kaggle also has a Q&A forum where users can post questions related to data analysis or machine learning topics and get responses from experienced data scientists around the world. Both websites offer similar features such as job boards and forums but are tailored for different audiences; LeetCode is for coders who want to enhance their coding skills while Kaggle is best suited for experienced data scientists who want to tackle challenging problems through machine learning.

History of LeetCode

LeetCode is a website that was established to help software engineers and students prepare for technical interviews and hone their coding skills. It offers a variety of coding problems and solutions, a discussion forum, and a blog. It has since grown to become one of the most popular coding websites, with over 10 million users and thousands of questions. It is used as a resource for software engineers and students to practice their coding skills, prepare for interviews, and learn new technologies.

LeetCode Status

The LeetCode website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-06-10 01:00:31).

Last checked 2024-06-10 01:00:31.
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  • Who knew there were so many websites that could help me learn to code?

    2023-03-02 02:19:56 ·
  • Looks like I'm about to become a coding guru!

    2023-05-06 05:30:56 ·
  • Wow, I didn't know there were so many other sites to take my coding skills to the next level!

    2023-05-13 23:36:42 ·
  • I'll take my coding skills to a whole new level with these websites!

    2023-05-16 21:31:26 ·
  • Time to get my coding skills up to LeetCode level!

    2023-05-27 19:45:38 ·
  • I'm going to be the master of coding with all these sites!

    2023-07-11 14:01:05 ·
  • LeetCode" sounds like a character from a video game.

    2023-08-03 18:23:21 ·