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5 Alternatives to Buffer for Social Media Scheduling and Automation

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-17 00:45:14

Are you looking for a social media management solution similar to Buffer? If so, look no further. We have compiled a list of the top sites that offer similar services to Buffer. From scheduling posts, monitoring analytics, and engaging with your followers, these websites have it all. We'll go over the features each website offers, so you can decide which one is best for your business. So, let's take a look at the list of similar websites to Buffer.



Buffer is a social media management platform that helps brands and agencies collaborate, plan, and publish content across multiple social media accounts from one place. It offers a suite of tools to help users manage their social media presence, engagement, and analytics.


  • Scheduling and publishing of content across multiple social media accounts
  • Automation of content sharing to increase reach and engagement
  • Analytics and insights to measure performance across social media channels
  • Comprehensive team collaboration tools to manage campaigns with ease

Buffer Alternatives


Hootsuite is a social media management platform that helps businesses and organizations manage their social media accounts. It provides tools for scheduling, monitoring, and optimizing content, as well as analytics to measure results.

Both Buffer and Hootsuite are social media management tools that allow users to manage and schedule posts across multiple accounts and platforms.

Buffer focuses on individual posts and scheduling, while Hootsuite offers additional tools such as analytics, team collaboration, and more.

Is Hootsuite a good alternative?

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a social media management platform designed to help businesses grow their online presence. It offers powerful tools to manage, monitor, and analyze conversations on social networks so businesses can build relationships with their customers, measure performance, and create better experiences.

Both Buffer and Sprout Social offer social media scheduling and management tools.

Sprout Social offers more detailed analytics, team collaboration, and customer service tools than Buffer.

Is Sprout Social a good alternative?

Social Pilot

Social Pilot is a social media automation and marketing platform that enables businesses to easily manage their social media presence and grow their online presence. It helps users manage multiple accounts in one place, schedule content, track analytics, and collaborate with their team.

Both Buffer and Social Pilot are social media management tools that allow users to schedule and manage posts across multiple accounts.

Social Pilot offers more detailed analytics, team collaboration tools, and a content curation feature that Buffer does not have.

Is Social Pilot a good alternative?


Sendible is an all-in-one social media management platform that makes it easy for businesses to manage, monitor and measure their social media presence.

Both Buffer and Sendible are social media management tools that allow users to schedule and manage posts across multiple accounts.

Sendible offers more detailed analytics, team collaboration tools, and more customizable scheduling features than Buffer.

Is Sendible a good alternative?


Agorapulse is a powerful, yet easy-to-use social media management & reporting tool that helps businesses and agencies to manage their social media channels and get insights into their performance. It provides all the essential features such as scheduling, listening, reporting, and analytics, as well as more advanced ones like workflow automation and audience segmentation.

Both Buffer and Agora Pulse are social media management tools that allow users to schedule and manage posts across multiple accounts.

Agora Pulse offers more detailed analytics, team collaboration tools, and a content curation feature that Buffer does not have.

Is Agorapulse a good alternative?


MeetEdgar is an automated social media management tool that helps you save time, engage with your audience, and get more clicks and conversions on your posts. With MeetEdgar, you can easily schedule and post content to your social media accounts, as well as set and organize content into categories for easy sorting and scheduling.

Both Buffer and MeetEdgar are social media management tools that allow users to schedule and manage posts across multiple accounts.

MeetEdgar offers more detailed analytics, team collaboration tools, and a content library feature that Buffer does not have.

Is MeetEdgar a good alternative?


Tailwind is a suite of tools that make it easier to manage and optimize your social media accounts. It allows users to schedule posts and automate content, track performance, and analyze engagement and reach.

Both Buffer and Tailwind are social media management tools that allow users to schedule and manage posts across multiple accounts.

Tailwind offers more detailed analytics, team collaboration tools, and a Pinterest-focused content library feature that Buffer does not have.

Is Tailwind a good alternative?


Cache is a fashion-forward online shopping destination for women and men. We offer a wide selection of stylish apparel, accessories, and shoes that can be shopped online and shipped right to your door. Our collection of designer labels and high-quality items ensures that you will find the perfect look to match any occasion.

Both websites are intended to help users store and manage digital information.

Buffer is a social media management platform while Cache is an in-memory data storage system.

Is Cache a good alternative?


CoSchedule is a marketing calendar and social media management tool that helps teams collaborate and organize their content marketing efforts.

Both websites offer users a platform to schedule social media posts.

Buffer focuses on individual scheduling and CoSchedule provides a team-based approach for larger businesses.

Is CoSchedule a good alternative?


Canva is a free, online design platform that makes graphic design simple for everyone. With Canva, anyone can create professional-quality designs for web and print—from social media graphics to resumes and presentations.

Both Buffer and Canva are websites that help people create content for social media.

Buffer helps users plan, publish, and analyze their social media content, while Canva is a design platform used to create graphics and other visuals.

Is Canva a good alternative?


HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing and sales platform that helps businesses of all sizes grow better. It includes a powerful set of features and tools, such as content management, contact management, email marketing, and automation, that make it easier to attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers.

Both Buffer and HubSpot are online platforms used to manage social media posts.

Buffer is a social media scheduling tool, while HubSpot is an all-in-one customer relationship management (CRM) platform.

Is HubSpot a good alternative?


Later is a social media scheduling tool designed to help businesses and influencers plan their Instagram posts in advance. With Later, users can create and manage their content calendar, schedule posts, and analyze performance.

Both Buffer and Later are social media management tools that enable users to plan, schedule and analyze their posts.

Buffer offers a comprehensive suite of scheduling, analytics and team collaboration features, while Later only focuses on post scheduling.

Is Later a good alternative?


Linktree is a simple tool for optimizing your online presence. It allows you to create a single link in your bio that directs followers to multiple places.

Both websites help to create and manage online presence.

Buffer is a social media management platform, whereas Linktree is an online link aggregator.

Is Linktree a good alternative?


Stack Overflow is the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

Both Buffer and Stack are web-based applications for managing content.

Buffer is a social media management tool, while Stack is a customer support platform.

Is Stack a good alternative?

Buffer Head-To-Head

Welcome to our comparison of the website Buffer versus other websites! In this article, we will be exploring the features, benefits and drawbacks of Buffer compared to other websites. We will look at how it measures up against competitors in terms of ease of use, pricing, customer service, and more. Additionally, we will take a closer look at the features that make Buffer stand out from the rest. So read on to find out if Buffer is the right choice for you and your needs!


Buffer and Cache are two popular tools for managing your social media accounts. Buffer allows you to create, schedule and publish posts on multiple social networks. It also supports team collaboration and analytics tracking. With its intuitive interface, Buffer makes it easy to analyze post performance, as well as use automated scheduling features to optimize your content strategy and improve engagement with followers. Cache is a powerful all-in-one platform that provides an array of features for managing your social media presence. It offers advanced content curation capabilities to help you find relevant content quickly and easily, along with detailed analytics reports to monitor the performance of your posts. Additionally, Cache includes automated workflows for scheduling posts in advance and helps you reach new audiences through its hashtag suggestions feature. Both of these tools can help streamline your social media management process and take your online presence to the next level.


Buffer and CoSchedule are both social media scheduling websites that allow users to manage their content across multiple channels. However, they have some key differences in terms of features. Buffer allows users to schedule posts for multiple social accounts, track post performance metrics, and connect with third-party apps such as Instagram and Pinterest. It also provides a feature called “Suggestions” that suggests content for the user to share based on previous activity. In addition, Buffer has an analytics dashboard that can be used to monitor overall performance across all platforms. CoSchedule focuses more on collaboration and workflow organization than analytics. It offers a “Team Calendar” view where team members can view the entire project timeline in one place. CoSchedule also has a variety of tools such as task management, project templates, and content approvals which are designed to help teams work together efficiently. It also supports integrations with other platforms such as WordPress and Zapier. Overall, Buffer is better suited for individuals or small teams looking for a way to quickly schedule content across multiple channels with minimal setup time while CoSchedule is better suited for larger teams looking for ways to collaborate more effectively on projects.


Buffer and Canva are both web-based tools used to help users share content. While Buffer is mainly used for scheduling posts, Canva is mainly used for creating visuals and custom designs. Buffer's main feature is its ability to quickly post content across multiple platforms, with the ability to schedule posts in advance. It also offers analytics that allow users to track their performance. Canva offers a range of design templates and an easy-to-use drag and drop interface that allows users to create custom graphics, presentations, posters and more. It also has hundreds of fonts and icons available as well as stock photos which can be used in designs. Both Buffer and Canva offer great features for content creators, with Buffer being a great tool for scheduling posts across multiple platforms while Canva offers an easy way to create stunning visuals for any project.


Buffer and Hootsuite are two popular social media management tools that help users save time by scheduling posts for multiple platforms at once. Both offer features such as analytics and post optimization, but Buffer has a more user-friendly interface and is ideal for individuals or small teams. On the other hand, Hootsuite is better suited for larger organizations with its extensive team collaboration features. They both offer support for various social media platforms, though Hootsuite offers more options than Buffer. Additionally, Hootsuite offers advanced analytics, in-depth reporting, and monitoring capabilities. In summary, Buffer is great for smaller teams that need basic analytics and scheduling capabilities while Hootsuite offers more robust features that make it suitable for larger organizations.


Buffer and HubSpot are both social media management tools used to help businesses and organizations manage their social media presence. Buffer provides a streamlined platform for managing multiple accounts and scheduling posts across several networks, while HubSpot offers a comprehensive suite of marketing tools, including social media management, lead generation, content creation, contact management, and analytics. Buffer's core features include post scheduling and analytics on the performance of posts. It also offers features such as content curation, team collaboration tools, and team member permissions. In addition, it has a suite of free Chrome extensions that allow users to quickly schedule or share content from anywhere on the web. On the other hand, HubSpot's social media management capabilities include post scheduling, contact management for leads generated through social platforms, lead scoring capabilities for tracking leads across multiple networks, and analytics for monitoring campaigns across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. It also offers an integrated marketing platform that includes email automation tools, contact segmentation capabilities for targeting specific audiences with content tailored to their interests, landing page templates for creating visually appealing pages to capture leads onsite or in emails; as well as A/B testing to evaluate different versions of campaigns . Finally it has its own library of pre-built templates that can be used to create various types of content such as ads or webpages. Overall both Buffer and HubSpot offer powerful solutions for managing a business's presence on social media. However each platform has its own unique set of features that cater to the needs of different types of users.


Buffer and Later both offer social media management services. Buffer allows users to schedule posts, track analytics, and collaborate with team members on content. Its main feature is its ability to post to multiple social accounts at once and plan ahead with an automated queue system. Later gives users a visual calendar that makes it easy to plan content in advance and track how posts perform over time. It also offers powerful analytics tools to help users better understand their audience’s engagement with the content they post. Both platforms provide collaboration capabilities and have simple user interfaces that make it easy for teams to coordinate their efforts online.


Buffer and Linktree are both social media management tools that make it easier for businesses to manage their online presence. Buffer allows users to manage multiple accounts on different social networks, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest, from one platform. Linktree is a simpler tool that helps businesses direct their followers to the places they want them to go, such as their website or other social networks. Buffer provides many features like post scheduling, analytics, team collaboration and a library of content ideas. It also offers customizable automation options so users can create automated workflows that help save time. Linktree's features include linking to multiple destinations with one URL, customizing the look of the landing page and creating multiple distinct profiles for different purposes. Both tools have mobile apps allowing users to manage their accounts on-the-go.


Buffer and MeetEdgar are both social media management tools designed to help businesses streamline their digital marketing efforts. Buffer offers an intuitive interface for creating and scheduling posts on multiple channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It also provides detailed analytics so users can track their progress over time. MeetEdgar is focused more on content recycling and enables users to create recurring post libraries from which content is posted automatically on a set schedule. It also allows for custom post tagging for better organization, as well as A/B testing of messages for optimization. Both tools provide the ability to collaborate with team members in real-time and respond to user comments quickly.


Buffer and Stack Overflow are two platforms that can be used for different purposes by individuals and businesses. Buffer is a social media management tool that helps users post content across multiple channels, schedule posts, measure performance, and collaborate with team members. Stack Overflow is a Q&A platform where users can ask questions, share answers, and discuss coding topics with other developers. Buffer offers a range of tools to manage social media accounts including the ability to publish content on multiple platforms simultaneously, gain insights into post performance, collaborate with team members on content strategies, set up RSS feeds for automated posts, and create custom post templates. Stack Overflow provides a forum where users can ask questions related to coding topics or share their knowledge by answering other people's questions. It also has features such as tagging support for better organization of topics, notifications when new answers are posted to tracked questions, code snippets for sharing code fragments in the forum posts, and reputation points for helping others out.


Buffer and Puffer are both social media management tools designed to help businesses manage their presence on various platforms. Both offer the ability to schedule posts, track analytics, post visuals, and measure success. Buffer offers additional features such as team collaboration and an online library of resources. They also have a mobile app that allows users to interact with their profiles while on the go. Puffer differs from Buffer in that it provides users with detailed insights into their audience's interactions with their brand across all platforms. It also has integrated support for influencers and provides automated reports for easy review of performance data. Additionally, Puffer offers options for customization and integration with third-party apps.

Sprout Social

Buffer and Sprout Social are two popular social media management platforms designed to help users manage their presence on multiple networks. Buffer is an easy-to-use tool that offers a simple interface and allows you to schedule and publish posts, as well as track analytics. Sprout Social takes things a step further by offering more advanced features such as creating custom reports, providing team collaboration options and allowing you to monitor conversations in real-time. Both tools offer comprehensive integration with major social media networks including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Sprout Social also offers additional integrations with YouTube, Google My Business, Pinterest and others. Additionally, both tools provide support for managing brand reputation through sentiment analysis of user comments on social networks. Buffer’s analytics dashboard is great for viewing post performance data while Sprout Social's reporting feature provides much more detailed insights into your campaigns over time.


Buffer and Stream are two popular social media management tools. Both offer a wide range of features, making them both ideal solutions for businesses that need to manage their social media presence. Buffer allows users to schedule posts across multiple social media networks and provides analytics to measure the performance of posts. Buffer also has an array of third-party integrations to allow for further customization of the platform. Stream offers similar scheduling and analytics features as Buffer, but it also includes native support for video streaming from popular platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Periscope. Additionally, Stream offers more detailed analytics than Buffer does, including the ability to segment users by demographic information like age, gender, and location. Overall, Stream is better suited for businesses that want to leverage video content on their social channels.


Buffer and Water are both web-based software solutions designed to help companies manage their online presence. Both offer a variety of features, including content scheduling and analytics, social media monitoring, collaboration tools, and customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities. Buffer specializes in helping businesses automate their content postings across multiple platforms, while Water provides an all-in-one platform for managing customer relationships and streamlining marketing initiatives. Both Buffer and Water provide comprehensive analytics dashboards to help track progress over time. Buffer's dashboard includes data about engagement rates on each post, user demographics, team performance metrics, and more. Water's analytics dashboard offers insights into user behavior, website visits and conversions. Buffer allows users to schedule posts ahead of time by creating a queue of content that can be shared at predetermined intervals across multiple platforms. It also offers a library of templates for creating branded images to use in posts or stories. On the other hand, Water focuses more on its CRM capabilities which include contact tagging, lead scoring, automated email campaigns and customer segmentation. Additionally they offer an AI chatbot feature designed to engage customers in conversations via messenger apps or websites. In conclusion both Buffer and Water provide powerful features for managing social media accounts as well as customer relationships. Each solution offers its own unique set of features that cater to different types of businesses with varying needs so it is important to consider which one will work best for your specific requirements before making any purchase decisions.


Buffer and Disney are both companies that share a passion for providing fun and engaging content. However, their approaches to offering great experiences differ greatly. Buffer is a social media management platform that allows users to easily plan, schedule and publish content across multiple platforms. It also offers advanced analytics tools to help track performance, engagement metrics, and more. Buffer’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to manage multiple accounts at once and measure the success of campaigns. Disney, on the other hand, boasts a variety of entertainment options for people of all ages. From classic films to theme parks and cruises, there is something for everyone in the Disney family. Disney also has an extensive library of content available online including movies, TV shows, music videos, games and more. With its wide array of entertainment choices and interactive features like virtual rides and attractions, Disney is the perfect place to escape reality for a while.

Creator Studio

Buffer and Creator Studio are both powerful tools for managing and optimizing social media content. Buffer is a comprehensive platform for scheduling, analyzing, and engaging on social media. It allows users to coordinate posts across multiple channels, track performance metrics, collaborate with team members, and engage with their followers. Creator Studio is a dedicated platform from Facebook that helps manage content for Facebook and Instagram. It provides features such as bulk scheduling, post-level insights for performance tracking, collaboration capabilities with team members, content curation tools like the ability to save drafts or tag people in posts before publishing them. Both platforms provide basic analytics capabilities such as reach and engagement data but where they differ is in their post optimization features - while Buffer offers deep analysis of content trends and an AI-powered assistant to suggest optimal times to post based on historical data, Creator Studio only provides insights into when most of your followers are online.


Buffer and Cushion are two popular social media management services that help businesses manage their online presence. Both offer a range of features such as scheduling content, monitoring conversations and analytics about their posts. Buffer allows users to connect multiple accounts from various social media platforms, and schedule messages for automatic posting. It also offers detailed analytics about post performance, along with the option to create teams for collaboration. Users can also engage with relevant conversations on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Cushion provides users with similar features, including the ability to post content in advance and view analytics data. It also allows users to monitor conversations across different platforms and set up notifications when certain terms or keywords are mentioned. Additionally, it includes a client portal feature which allows clients to preview scheduled content before it is posted.


Buffer and PBS are both websites that offer services for businesses and individuals. Buffer is a social media management platform, which allows users to manage their various channels from one dashboard. It includes features such as scheduling posts, measuring performance of content, and providing analytics on campaigns. PBS is an online video streaming platform which offers documentaries, shows, and movies from its own library in addition to third-party content from other providers. Features include the ability to watch videos anytime, access exclusive content unavailable elsewhere, and create playlists for easier viewing. Both sites also offer tools for optimization and customization of content.


Buffer and Feedback are two web platforms that offer social media management and customer feedback services. Buffer offers a wide range of features for managing social media accounts, including content scheduling, bulk uploading, analytics and performance tracking, team collaboration, and integrations. Feedback provides a comprehensive customer feedback platform with features such as surveys, polls, NPS scoring, sentiment analysis, customer segmentation, customer journey mapping, custom branding options and more. Both platforms enable users to create customized reports for analyzing data. Buffer allows users to store data on their own servers while Feedback stores all data in the cloud. Additionally, Buffer offers an intuitive mobile app while Feedback does not.


Buffer and IFTTT are both tools that can help to streamline your social media strategy. Buffer is a social media scheduling platform that allows you to schedule posts across multiple platforms with ease. IFTTT is an automation service that helps you connect different apps and services, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Dropbox, allowing you to automate tasks between them. Buffer offers features such as post scheduling for multiple platforms, detailed analytics reports, content library for storing post ideas & images and user-friendly interface. It also has a mobile app which allows you to manage all your social accounts on the go. IFTTT allows users to create ‘recipes’ that trigger an action when something specific happens. For example, an IFTTT recipe could be created so that when a new tweet is posted on Twitter with certain keywords or hashtags it automatically sends a notification via email or text message. The platform also allows users to create their own applets which can be used by other members of the community and publish them in the IFTTT community library.


Buffer and Instagram are both powerful social media platforms designed to help users reach their desired audiences. Buffer is a comprehensive social media management tool that offers users the ability to post, manage and analyze content from multiple accounts on various social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Instagram. With Buffer, users can also track key performance metrics for their posts such as clicks, likes and retweets. Instagram is primarily focused on photo sharing but also includes video capabilities. It has several features that make it a great platform for businesses including hashtag targeting, insights tools to measure engagement with posts and stories, ads campaigns, direct messaging and the ability to link other social profiles. Additionally Instagram offers a variety of filters and editing options which makes it easy to create aesthetically pleasing content quickly and easily. Overall, while Buffer provides more comprehensive analytics and more control over how you engage with your audience across different platforms, Instagram allows you to create visually stunning content quickly as well as reaching large targeted audiences through hashtag targeting features.

History of Buffer

Buffer is a social media management platform founded in 2010. It was designed to help businesses and individuals easily schedule, automate, and analyze their social media posts. Over the years, Buffer has grown to become a leading platform for social media management, providing users with analytics and insights, integrations with popular social media platforms, and team collaboration tools.

Buffer Status

The Buffer website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-06-10 01:00:10).

Last checked 2024-06-10 01:00:10.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
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Check Buffer's Twitter for recent updates.


  • Is there a website that buffers the other buffering websites?

    2023-02-20 01:43:46 ·
  • Buffer - what a great excuse for procrastination!

    2023-03-22 01:54:23 ·
  • Buffering is the new black!

    2023-03-29 04:50:25 ·
  • So many ways to buffer - so little time!

    2023-10-04 20:10:47 ·
  • Who knew buffering could be so much fun?

    2023-10-14 23:07:14 ·
  • I'm sure they all have their own unique buffer-ing styles!

    2024-03-09 15:52:46 ·