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10 Great Alternatives to Stuvia for Buying and Selling Study Materials

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-20 05:02:34

Are you looking for websites like Stuvia? You've come to the right place! In this article, we'll share a list of similar websites like Stuvia. Stuvia is an online marketplace that connects students with other students who are willing to sell their study materials. It's a great resource for students looking to save money and find helpful study materials. But if you're looking for more resources, here are some other websites like Stuvia that you should check out.

Stuvia is an online marketplace that connects students with other students to help them study. Students can post their notes and get paid for helping their classmates.


  • Search by course/subject
  • Access to millions of study documents
  • Easy to use platform with intuitive design
  • Safe and secure payments
  • Earn money for helping classmates

Stuvia Alternatives


Chegg is an online learning platform that provides students with 24/7 homework help, textbook rentals, study resources, and more.

Both offer study materials, solutions and answers for students.

Chegg Study has a subscription-based model, while Stuvia offers services for a fee.

Is Chegg a good alternative?


StudySoup is an online academic resource that helps students succeed in their studies by providing course materials, study guides, and notes from top universities.

Both offer study materials, solutions and answers for students.

Study Soup has an online marketplace model, while Stuvia has a more traditional fee-for-service approach.

Is StudySoup a good alternative?

Course Hero

Course Hero is an online learning platform that provides access to over 20 million course-specific study resources, including step-by-step explanations, practice problems, and videos. It also offers personalized learning tools and expert tutors to help students succeed in their courses.

Both offer study materials, solutions and answers for students.

Course Hero has a subscription-based model, while Stuvia charges a fee for each service.

Is Course Hero a good alternative?


OneClass is an online platform that provides students with study resources such as course notes and study guides. It has a library of over 10 million course notes, study guides, and more from top universities.

Both offer study materials, solutions and answers for students.

OneClass has a subscription-based model, while Stuvia charges a fee for each service.

Is OneClass a good alternative?


GuruStudy helps students with their homework and exams. We provide access to quality, verified tutors and study materials in various subject areas. Our platform can provide detailed explanations, personalized feedback and impactful guidance to help students succeed in their studies.

Both offer study materials, solutions and answers for students.

GuruStudy has a subscription-based model, while Stuvia charges a fee for each service.

Is GuruStudy a good alternative?

Online Class Help

Online Class Help connects students with qualified tutors to help them succeed in their online classes. Our tutors provide personalized, one-on-one online tutoring for a wide range of topics. From basic math to advanced statistics, our tutors are knowledgeable and can provide the help you need for your online class.

Both offer study materials, solutions and answers for students.

Online Class Help has an online marketplace model, while Stuvia has a more traditional fee-for-service approach.

Is Online Class Help a good alternative?

Take My Online Class

Take My Online Class is an online tutoring and assistance service designed to help students master their online classes and get their desired grades. Our team of academic professionals is standing by to provide personalized assistance and guidance tailored to each student’s individual needs.

Both offer study materials, solutions and answers for students.

Take My Online Class has an online marketplace model, while Stuvia has a more traditional fee-for-service approach.

Is Take My Online Class a good alternative?

History of Stuvia

Stuvia is an online platform founded in 2011 that connects students with tutors. It provides a platform for students to buy and sell study documents such as summaries, notes, essays and exams. In addition, it also offers an online tutoring service to help students with their studies. Stuvia has grown to become a global platform, with over a million users across Europe, the US and Latin America.

Stuvia Status

The Stuvia website on online and reachable (last checked on ).

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  • I should probably start studying instead of looking at these sites...

    2023-05-12 15:13:32 ·
  • I'm gonna need a bigger laptop to store all the information I can get from these sites!

    2023-05-25 19:15:53 ·
  • Wow, I didn't know there were so many places to 'stu'!

    2023-09-29 20:57:35 ·
  • I'm starting to think these sites are just a way to make me smarter!

    2023-10-06 21:16:07 ·
  • Wow, what a great way to procrastinate on studying!

    2023-11-08 11:44:29 ·
  • I think I'm going to need a PhD to understand all the info on these sites!

    2023-12-24 14:18:44 ·
  • What a great way to procrastinate on studying... again!

    2024-07-02 01:27:38 ·
  • Do I get a diploma for using all these sites?

    2024-11-11 07:42:00 ·
  • I'm gonna need a vacation after all this 'stuving'!

    2024-12-16 09:07:53 ·
  • I can finally pretend to be a scholar without studying!

    2024-12-22 14:15:06 ·