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7 Alternatives to Lingopie for Learning New Languages Online

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-17 15:54:21

Are you looking for websites like Lingopie to help you learn languages? Lingopie is a great resource for language learners, but you may be interested in exploring other options. Here is a list of similar websites to Lingopie that offer a range of language-learning services. These websites provide various tools, activities, and resources to help you reach your language-learning goals. Read on to discover the best alternatives to Lingopie.

Lingopie is a language learning app that uses audio storytelling to help you learn a new language. It provides a unique and fun way to learn a language by listening to audio stories with native speakers and learning new words and phrases.


  • Native speaker audio stories
  • Learn new words and phrases
  • Interactive quizzes
  • Interactive exercises
  • Vocabulary flashcards
  • Progress tracking
  • Comprehensive audio dictionary

Lingopie Alternatives


Duolingo is a free language-learning platform that uses gamified lessons and adaptive technology to help users learn and practice a foreign language.

Provide language learning courses with interactive lessons, audio clips, and writing exercises

Duolingo offers more language learning courses than Lingopie, and it also provides a wider range of activities such as speaking exercises and reading comprehension tests

Is Duolingo a good alternative?


Memrise is an online language learning platform that makes learning new languages easy and enjoyable. With its interactive courses, pronunciation guides, and other helpful features, Memrise makes language learning fun and engaging.

Provide language learning courses with interactive lessons, audio clips, and writing exercises

Memrise offers a wider variety of activities than Lingopie such as listening comprehension and pronunciation practice

Is Memrise a good alternative?


Babbel is an online language learning platform that allows users to learn new languages through fun and engaging courses. The courses are specifically tailored to each user’s learning style and can help them to build basic conversational skills in over 13 different languages.

Provide language learning courses with interactive lessons and audio clips

Babbel offers more courses than Lingopie and also has more advanced features such as voice recognition and speech synthesis

Is Babbel a good alternative?


busuu is the world's largest language learning community, with over 90 million users. As part of their language learning platform, busuu offers courses in 12 different languages, with more than 1,000 interactive lessons and exercises.

Provide language learning courses with interactive lessons and audio clips

Busuu provides a wider range of activities than Lingopie such as writing and speaking exercises, and also allows users to interact with native speakers

Is busuu a good alternative?


FluentU is a language learning platform that uses real-world videos to help learners become more fluent in a language. Learners can learn with videos, audio and interactive captions, and can also take quizzes and tests to track their progress.

Provide language learning courses with interactive lessons and audio clips

FluentU provides a unique approach to language learning by offering real-world videos with interactive subtitles and quizzes

Is FluentU a good alternative?


Livemocha is a free online language learning platform with over 10 million users worldwide. It offers courses in over 38 languages, and provides a range of interactive activities and resources to help users learn and practice their chosen language.

Provide language learning courses with interactive lessons and audio clips

Livemocha allows users to interact with native speakers, and also offers additional activities such as writing and speaking exercises

Is Livemocha a good alternative?

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is a leading language learning software that helps you learn languages quickly and effectively. With Rosetta Stone, you can learn over 24 languages, including Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, and more.

Provide language learning courses with interactive lessons and audio clips

Rosetta Stone offers an immersive learning experience with its patented 'TruAccent' voice recognition technology and its interactive speech-recognition software

Is Rosetta Stone a good alternative?


LingQ is an online language learning platform that offers courses in over 30 languages. It is designed to help language learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced, to read, listen, and learn a new language.

Both Lingopie and LingQ are websites designed to help language learners improve their foreign language skills.

Lingopie offers thousands of educational videos from around the world, while LingQ focuses on teaching through reading texts and listening exercises.

Is LingQ a good alternative?


Yabla is an online language learning platform that offers interactive video courses in over 20 languages, giving you the opportunity to learn a new language while watching authentic videos from around the world.

Both Lingopie and Yabla are language learning websites.

Lingopie focuses on providing audio-visual lessons while Yabla provides interactive lessons with native speakers.

Is Yabla a good alternative?

Lingopie Head-To-Head

Welcome to this head-to-head comparison of Lingopie and other websites. We will be exploring how Lingopie stands up against the other popular language learning websites out there, examining features such as their content, pricing structure, and user experience. Through this comparison, we hope to help you understand what makes Lingopie unique and why it might be the right choice for you. So let’s get started!


Lingopie and Duolingo are both online language-learning websites. Lingopie offers audio-based language lessons with native speakers, whereas Duolingo offers a more traditional approach to learning with interactive exercises. Both websites include a range of languages, from popular ones like Spanish and French to more obscure ones such as Hawaiian and Tagalog. With Lingopie, users can listen to audio stories in the language they are learning, which allows them to become familiar with the sound and structure of the language. Additionally, they can explore cultural topics related to the language they are learning. On the other hand, Duolingo focuses on teaching its users grammar and vocabulary through activities such as matching words with their definitions or translating sentences from one language to another. Overall, both websites have their own advantages for those who wish to learn a new language. Lingopie’s audio-based lessons provide an immersive experience that gives learners a better understanding of how the language sounds in real life, while Duolingo’s interactive exercises help build a strong foundation in grammar and vocabulary.


Lingopie and FluentU are both online language learning tools designed to help users learn a new language in an engaging and informative way. Both sites feature interactive lessons, audio recordings, and videos to help users practice their writing, reading, listening, and speaking skills. Lingopie offers an extensive library of multimedia lessons spanning different topics such as travel, entertainment, culture, sports, news, food and more. It also provides support for multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian and German. With Lingopie’s dynamic lesson plans users can customize the content to their individual learning needs. FluentU offers a unique approach to language learning combining real-world videos with interactive exercises that track progress over time. Videos range from movie trailers and TV shows to music videos and TED talks which allows users to learn new words while watching popular media in their target language. FluentU also features exercises like quizzes and flashcards which makes it easier for users to remember new words in context. In conclusion both Lingopie and FluentU provide great tools for learning a new language with different approaches which cater to various needs.


Lingopie and LingQ are both language learning websites designed to help users learn a new language. The key difference between the two is that Lingopie is focused on audio-based content, while LingQ is more focused on reading and writing content. Lingopie provides users with lessons in different languages composed of audio files, transcripts, and interactive activities. The website also allows users to record their own audio and create their own lessons using the platform’s tools. In addition, it offers an adaptive learning feature which adjusts lesson difficulty based on user progress. LingQ focuses on tying language learning together with reading and writing content. It uses a unique system of points where each word you learn earns you points which can be used to unlock additional content. It also includes listening activities, as well as flashcards and vocabulary lists that can be used to practice words learned via reading or listening activities.


Lingopie and Yabla are both websites that provide language learning tools. Lingopie offers a wide variety of foreign language learning options, such as over 1,000 movie and TV episodes in many languages, listening comprehension exercises, and interactive flashcards. Yabla provides video immersion lessons with native speakers, focusing primarily on Spanish and Italian. Both websites have an extensive library of content to choose from, allowing users to customize their learning experience. However, while Yabla focuses mainly on Spanish and Italian, Lingopie has a more diverse range of languages available. Additionally, Lingopie offers extra activities like audio-based exercises and flashcards which are not available on Yabla.

History of Lingopie

Lingopie is an educational website that has been around since 2013. It was created to provide a platform for international users to learn languages through a variety of activities such as interactive quizzes, games, and videos. The website has grown in popularity over the years, and now offers courses in over 20 languages. It provides courses for beginners and advanced learners. Lingopie has also recently added a feature that allows users to chat with native speakers in real-time.

Lingopie Status

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  • Lingopie is the one to beat, but these other sites might be able to give it a run for its money!

    2023-02-01 01:56:33 ·
  • J S

    Wow, so many choices! Now I just have to decide which one to use instead of Lingopie!

    2023-04-25 18:42:47 ·
  • I'm sure there's no website that can match the awesomeness of Lingopie!

    2023-05-03 13:48:38 ·
  • I'm sure these alternatives will be the perfect supplement to my Lingopie experience!

    2023-06-16 23:20:54 ·
  • I'm sure these websites will give Lingopie a run for its money!

    2023-06-16 23:45:21 ·
  • I'm sure Lingopie is the best one, but it's nice to have some back-up options!

    2023-06-18 01:24:34 ·
  • H S

    This list of alternatives could be a great starting point for those who don't want to be limited to Lingopie!

    2023-09-08 10:42:47 ·
  • Time to start exploring these other websites! Who knows, maybe I'll find something even better than Lingopie!

    2023-09-16 21:25:29 ·
  • Maybe if I check out these other websites, I can find something even better than Lingopie!

    2023-10-07 07:06:25 ·
  • Well, at least if Lingopie ever fails me, I have some back-up options!

    2024-07-12 23:18:55 ·