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7 Alternatives to Enigma You Should Check Out

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-20 19:48:46

Are you looking for a similar website like Enigma? Look no further! This article will provide you with a comprehensive list of alternative websites that offer the same services as Enigma. Whether you're looking for a website that offers similar encryption technology, data sharing capabilities, or other security features, you'll be sure to find something here. From open source solutions to cloud-based resources, this list has it all. Read on to discover the best alternatives to Enigma.

Enigma is a data platform that enables organizations to access, organize, and analyze public data. With Enigma, users can access and explore millions of data sources, from census records to satellite imagery, to discover unique insights and trends.


  • Access to millions of data sources
  • Data visualization tools
  • Secure cloud-based platform
  • Automated data cleaning and preparation

Enigma Alternatives


Cryptii is an online cryptographical tool that allows users to easily encode and decode data, as well as convert between different formats.

Both Enigma and Cryptii are text encoders and decoders, allowing users to convert, encrypt and decrypt text using a range of algorithms.

Cryptii includes a wider range of algorithms than Enigma, and allows users to create custom algorithms.

Is Cryptii a good alternative?


CyberChef is a powerful, web-based suite of cyber security tools designed to help analysts, forensic investigators and incident responders analyse and dissect complex data. It is designed to be intuitive to use, allowing both technical and non-technical users to quickly process data.

Both Enigma and CyberChef offer encryption, decryption and coding tools.

CyberChef is a web-based tool and does not have a mobile app, whereas Enigma does.

Is CyberChef a good alternative?


Cryptool is a free and open-source tool for encryption and cryptography analysis. It is a graphical user interface (GUI) based application that assists users in selecting the appropriate cryptographic algorithms, analyzing and comparing ciphertexts and performing cryptanalysis.

Both Cryptool and Enigma are tools that can be used to encrypt and decrypt text.

Cryptool offers more algorithms than Enigma and is open source, while Enigma is a commercial software.

Is Cryptool a good alternative?

CrypTool 2

CrypTool 2 (CT2) is an open source educational tool for cryptography and cryptanalysis. It provides users with a graphical user interface to access and explore various cryptographic algorithms, cryptosystems and cryptanalysis techniques. It also offers several tools and modules to perform various cryptographic operations.

Both CrypTool 2 and Enigma are tools used to encrypt and decrypt text.

CrypTool 2 is open source and does not have a mobile app, whereas Enigma does.

Is CrypTool 2 a good alternative?


VeraCrypt is a free, open source disk encryption software. It is a powerful security tool that helps users protect their data from virtual threats. It offers advanced encryption algorithms, two-factor authentication, keyfiles, and more for maximum security and privacy.

VeraCrypt and Enigma are both encryption tools.

VeraCrypt is a file encryption tool, whereas Enigma is a text encryption tool.

Is VeraCrypt a good alternative?

GNU Privacy Guard

GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) is a free and open source encryption software designed to protect your data from unauthorized eyes. It is a complete implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 (also known as PGP). GPG is a powerful tool which uses a combination of public-key and symmetric encryption to ensure data confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity.

GPG and Enigma are both encryption tools.

GPG is an open source tool, while Enigma is a commercial software.

Is GNU Privacy Guard a good alternative?


AxCrypt is a leading open source file encryption software that enables users to secure their sensitive documents and data with strong encryption and a simple drag & drop interface. With full integration with Windows Explorer, users can easily encrypt individual files or entire folders with just a few clicks.

AxCrypt and Enigma are both encryption tools.

AxCrypt is a file encryption tool, while Enigma is a text encryption tool.

Is AxCrypt a good alternative?


Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is the most popular mobile platform in the world, with over 2 billion active devices and more than 1.4 billion active users. It is designed to be user-friendly and customizable, allowing users to customize their experience with a variety of apps, widgets, and wallpapers.

Both websites are focused on providing innovative solutions to their customers.

Enigma provides data search and discovery tools while Android focuses on creating a mobile operating system.

Is Android a good alternative?


Epic is a leading provider of healthy snacks and meals, using only the highest quality ingredients that are ethically and sustainably sourced. Our products are designed to provide convenient, nutritious and delicious options for busy people on the go.

Both websites focus on providing educational content to help students learn.

Enigma provides interactive quizzes and games, while Epic focuses mainly on providing books and videos.

Is Epic a good alternative?


Infinity is a next-generation digital banking platform that helps you manage your finances more efficiently. With Infinity, you can create multiple savings, investments, and budgeting accounts, all in one place. You can also transfer money and pay bills quickly and easily, with low-cost international transactions.

both websites offer online games.

Enigma offers virtual reality gaming while Infinity specializes in puzzles and strategy games.

Is Infinity a good alternative?


Malwarebytes is an advanced malware protection and remediation application. It is designed to protect your device from malware, ransomware, and other advanced threats. Its features include proactive protection, threat detection and removal, malicious website blocking, and more.

Both Enigma and Malwarebytes are companies that offer online security services.

Enigma specializes in data security and encryption whereas Malwarebytes focuses on malware prevention and removal.

Is Malwarebytes a good alternative?


RSA provides organizations with solutions to protect and manage their most sensitive data. Our innovative solutions help customers reduce risk, achieve compliance and protect their most valuable assets—their customers, employees and brand.

Both Enigma and RSA are encryption algorithms used to protect data.

Enigma is a symmetric-key algorithm while RSA is an asymmetric-key algorithm.

Is RSA a good alternative?


RT is an international news channel, which provides news and stories from around the world. It is an independent news source with a focus on providing objective and unbiased journalism.

Both websites are dedicated to providing news and entertainment media.

Enigma focuses on science-based topics, while RT specializes in political content.

Is RT a good alternative?


Sigma is a data analysis platform that helps organizations unlock the power of their data to make meaningful business decisions. With Sigma's intuitive user interface, users can quickly and easily analyze data, build decision models, and create visualizations.

Both websites share the same mission of providing users with an enhanced online experience.

Enigma focuses on providing users with a secure and private browsing experience, while Sigma offers a wide variety of content from multiple sources.

Is Sigma a good alternative?

Enigma Head-To-Head

The internet is a vast and ever-evolving space, filled with countless websites offering different services to their users. One such website is Enigma, which stands out from the crowd due to its unique features and functions. In this article, we will be comparing Enigma with other popular websites, to help you decide which one best suits your needs. We will be looking at various aspects of each website, including design, usability, security and cost efficiency. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of the pros and cons of each website and which one is right for you.


Enigma and Android are two popular website development platforms. Enigma is a drag-and-drop website builder that allows users to create stunning websites without any coding knowledge, while Android is an open-source platform that requires more technical knowledge to use. Enigma offers various features to make building a website simple, including a range of customizable templates, drag-and-drop elements, and pre-made content blocks. It also provides additional features such as SEO optimization, analytics tracking, and e-commerce integration. Android allows users to create custom websites from scratch with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Users can also take advantage of Android’s vast library of themes and plugins to help speed up the development process. Additionally, Android offers support for multiple languages and devices. Overall, Enigma is great for beginner web developers who need an easy way to create websites quickly without any coding knowledge while Android is better suited for more experienced developers looking to develop completely custom websites from scratch.


Enigma and Epic are two websites that provide secure data sharing and storage solutions. Both websites offer features such as user authentication, customizable access control, encryption of data at rest and in transit, monitoring of activity logs, and file versioning. However, Enigma offers a broader range of features compared to Epic. These include the ability to create customized roles with granular permissions, the ability to search through encrypted data stored in the cloud, the capability to store data across multiple clouds (multi-cloud), and the option to view an audit trail of all activities within secure workspaces. In contrast, Epic provides a simpler set of features focused on storage and access control. It supports single-tenant cloud storage services for companies that do not need multi-cloud capabilities or extensive customization options. It also offers a powerful API feature set designed specifically for developers. Overall, Enigma is more suitable for businesses that require complex security protocols while Epic is better suited for those who need basic data storage options.


Enigma and Infinity are both software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions that aim to help companies securely store, analyze and protect their data. Enigma is a cloud-based platform that helps users collect, curate, and share data. It allows users to quickly develop data models and use them to generate insights. Enigma also provides access control and authentication features to ensure secure data sharing with third parties. Infinity offers an integrated suite of products that help users protect their systems from cyber threats. It includes advanced threat detection capabilities, risk assessment tools, security monitoring services and more. Both platforms provide robust security features for their respective purposes, but Infinity takes it one step further by providing enhanced protection against cyberattacks.


Enigma and Malwarebytes are two popular security software solutions. Both offer features to protect against malware, viruses, and other malicious threats. Enigma focuses on providing an all-in-one protection suite for businesses and home users, with options for endpoint protection, web security, firewalls, and more. Malwarebytes provides anti-malware protection with a range of features such as real-time scanning, automatic updates to detect the latest threats, removal of rootkits and spyware, and more. Both solutions can be used on MacOS or Windows systems. In terms of detection capabilities, both have been rated highly by independent testing labs although Enigma has been noted to have better protection against new/unknown threats. Additionally Enigma offers a single console to manage all of its services while Malwarebytes requires separate management consoles for each product. Overall both products provide strong security against malware but Enigma's comprehensive approach may be the better option for larger organizations.


Enigma and RSA are both websites that provide encryption services to protect user data. Enigma offers a secure cloud storage solution, which allows users to store their files in a private and encrypted space. It also provides end-to-end encryption for emails, ensuring that emails sent from the platform are kept private. RSA’s services include an encryption key manager, which helps users manage their cryptographic keys; an encryption policy manager, which allows users to set up and enforce an organizational encryption policy; and an authentication service, which enables users to easily verify their identity when logging into applications or websites. Both websites offer advanced security measures such as multi-factor authentication and audit trails, allowing users to track activities in real-time. Additionally, both websites allow users to take advantage of cloud computing solutions such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). Finally, Enigma and RSA offer support for various platforms including Windows, Mac OSX, iOS and Android.


Enigma and RT are both websites that provide data solutions for businesses. Enigma is focused on providing enterprise-level data solutions, while RT is tailored towards small businesses. Enigma offers a number of features including data cleaning, integration, analytics, and visualization. It also has an API that allows customers to access their data from anywhere, as well as a secure private cloud. Its platform is built with scalability in mind so customers can easily add more data or users to their account. RT’s main focus is on providing easy-to-use tools for small businesses, such as automated reporting and dashboards. It also provides data analysis tools that allow customers to quickly identify trends and insights. Additionally, it has an intuitive user interface so customers can quickly find the information they need without having to spend time learning the system. Overall, Enigma and RT each offer different features depending on the needs of the customer. Enigma is better suited for larger enterprises looking for complex solutions, while RT provides simple tools for small businesses who need quick answers and insights into their data.


Enigma and Sigma both offer data management solutions that facilitate the collection, storage, and analysis of large amounts of data. However, they differ in how they approach this task. Enigma is focused on allowing users to access and search through unstructured data sources. It allows users to build their own secure databases with custom schemas and query languages. It also has built-in tools for visualization and machine learning, as well as a library of pre-built applications that can be used without additional coding. Sigma, on the other hand, is more focused on providing structured relational databases that have already been set up for easy use. It offers an intuitive user interface for creating tables and queries as well as visualizing the results. Additionally, it provides automated functions like indexing and query optimization to speed up database operations. Overall, Enigma is best suited for businesses that need to work with unstructured datasets while Sigma is best suited for smaller businesses looking for an easy-to-use solution for working with traditional relational databases.


Enigma and Express are two popular website building platforms. Enigma is designed for creating high-end professional websites with a range of customisation options. It offers ready-made templates, an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, and a comprehensive suite of features that can help you create an impressive site quickly and easily. Express, on the other hand, is focused on simplicity and convenience. It's designed to be easy to use for those who want to create basic websites in minutes without having to learn any coding or design skills. Both platforms offer unlimited bandwidth, secure hosting, and Google Analytics integration. Additionally, they both feature mobile-friendly designs and SEO optimisation tools, so your site can be found by search engines. The main difference between Enigma and Express is their level of customisation; while Enigma allows you to add advanced features like video backgrounds and animations, Express is better suited for basic sites with limited customisations.


Enigma and Styles are two popular website design and development companies. Enigma offers a wide variety of services from web design, custom development, integrations, eCommerce solutions, and more. Their team works with clients to create beautiful websites that meet their needs. Styles focuses on creating custom digital experiences that make websites look professional and modern. They specialize in WordPress development, graphics design, mobile app development, and more. Both companies offer fast turnaround times and reliable customer support. Enigma emphasizes the importance of quality assurance to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction while Styles ensures all their designs are user-friendly and optimized for search engine optimization (SEO). While both companies offer a wide range of services and have experienced teams to help you create the perfect website for your business needs, they differ in terms of pricing structure and focus on specific areas like SEO or eCommerce platforms.

History of Enigma

Enigma is a website that was created in 2013 to provide a secure platform for data storage and communication. It has since grown to become a powerful tool for businesses, governments, and individuals, with a variety of features including encrypted messaging and secure file sharing. Its mission is to provide users with the highest level of privacy and security for their data.

Enigma Status

The Enigma website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-06-01 01:00:19).

Last checked 2024-06-01 01:00:19.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
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  • Alright, I'm ready to be bamboozled!

    2023-04-05 15:50:17 ·
  • I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

    2023-04-06 01:44:59 ·
  • Wow, the world wide web is really full of mysteries!

    2023-04-27 00:13:29 ·
  • Well, it looks like "Enigma" isn't the only one to be cryptic!

    2023-07-15 10:44:47 ·
  • So, if you can't find what you're looking for on "Enigma," you can just go to one of these other sites and get confused instead!

    2023-08-12 18:40:30 ·
  • Time to break out my thinking cap!

    2024-05-31 10:57:12 ·