5 Great Alternatives to CigarBid for Cigar Shopping Online
By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-23 19:19:08
Are you looking for websites like CigarBid to get quality cigars at a great price? Fear not - there are plenty of options out there. From auction sites to physical stores, we've compiled a list of the best websites similar to CigarBid that will help you find your favorite cigars. Whether you're after rare Cuban cigars or a variety of premium smokes, you'll find something to suit your needs. Read on to discover the best places to get your cigar fix.
CigarBid is the premier online source for buying cigars at the lowest possible prices. With over 350 brands and more than 5,000 different cigars, CigarBid makes it easy to find the perfect cigar to match your taste and budget.
- Over 350 brands and 5,000 different cigars
- Lowest possible prices
- Free shipping on orders over $99
- Expert advice and guidance
Table of Contents
CigarBid Alternatives
Cigar Monster
Both websites sell cigars online at discounted prices.
Cigar Monster has a larger variety of cigar brands, including hard to find premium cigars.
Thompson Cigar
Both websites offer discounts and deals on cigar purchases.
Thompson Cigar offers free shipping on orders over $125 and cigar samplers.
Cigars International
Both websites offer a wide selection of cigars, humidors, and cigar accessories.
Cigars International offers free shipping on all orders over $49 and a VIP rewards program.
Cigar Place
Both websites have a large selection of cigar brands and accessories.
Cigar Place offers a rewards program, free shipping on orders over $99, and a 120-day satisfaction guarantee.
JR Cigars
Both websites sell cigars, humidors, and cigar accessories online.
JR Cigars offers a rewards program, free shipping on orders over $99, and a satisfaction guarantee.
Holt's Cigar Company
Both websites offer a large selection of cigars, humidors, and cigar accessories.
Holt's Cigar Company offers free shipping on orders over $149 and a rewards program.
Best Cigar Prices
Both websites offer discounted cigars and humidors.
Best Cigar Prices offers free shipping on orders over $99, a rewards program, and a 110% price match guarantee.
History of CigarBid
CigarBid began in 2001 as an online auction website dedicated to the buying and selling of premium cigars. It quickly became a popular destination for cigar enthusiasts, offering cigars at discounted prices. Since then, CigarBid has become one of the largest online marketplaces for cigars, offering a wide array of brands and sizes to suit any smoker’s needs.
CigarBid Status
The CigarBid website on online and reachable (last checked on 2025-01-02 01:00:16).
Maybe I'm missing something, but I didn't even know CigarBid existed until now!
2023-03-01 10:30:09 · -
I'm not sure why I need a list of similar websites to CigarBid, but I'm sure it will come in handy somehow!
2023-03-04 16:06:55 · -
I didn't even know there were so many websites like CigarBid out there!
2023-05-09 09:15:37 · -
This list is a great way to find websites that are similar to CigarBid, but I'm not sure why I need them...
2023-07-15 18:40:20 · -
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with this list, but I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually!
2023-09-15 02:32:41 · -
Who knew there were so many websites like CigarBid? Now I know what to do when I'm bored!
2023-11-01 15:19:48 · -
I'm sure this list of similar websites is great, but I'm not sure what to do with it..
2024-01-13 23:00:32 · -
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with this list, but I'm sure I'll find something to do with it eventually!
2024-10-12 10:24:17 ·
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CigarBid is the premier online source for buying cigars at the lowest possible prices. With over 350 brands and more than 5,000 different cigars, CigarBid makes it easy to find the perfect cigar to match your taste and budget.
- Over 350 brands and 5,000 different cigars
- Lowest possible prices
- Free shipping on orders over $99
- Expert advice and guidance