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10 Apps Like AppShopper for Tracking Price Drops and App Deals

By Gregor K. published about 2022-12-31 18:44:38

AppShopper is a great website for discovering new apps, tracking price drops, and getting great deals for your favorite apps. But what if you’re looking for something similar to AppShopper? Fortunately, there are plenty of other websites like AppShopper that offer great deals and insights into the world of apps. In this article, we’ll be looking at some of the best websites like AppShopper that you can use to get the best apps and deals.



AppShopper is a website and app that helps you track the best apps in the App Store. With this service, you can easily keep track of all the apps you have installed and purchase, view ratings, read reviews, and stay up to date with the latest releases.


  • Track the best iPhone, iPad, and Mac apps
  • Browse and search app categories
  • View ratings and reviews
  • Stay up to date with the latest releases
  • Track all purchased apps

AppShopper Alternatives


AppAdvice is an online resource for mobile app reviews, news, price drops, tips, and more. Whether you're looking for the latest trends in apps or the most up-to-date news on the world of mobile, AppAdvice has you covered.

Both AppShopper and AppAdvice feature reviews and ratings of applications, discounts and deals on apps, and a comprehensive list of new and popular apps.

AppAdvice also offers app recommendations based on user input and offers more detailed reviews of applications than AppShopper does.

Is AppAdvice a good alternative?


148Apps is a website dedicated to reviewing and providing news about the latest mobile apps. It features app reviews, user guides, interviews, and more.

148Apps features reviews, ratings, and discounts on applications, just like AppShopper.

148Apps includes more detailed reviews of applications and also includes editorials, interviews, and news stories related to mobile applications.

Is 148Apps a good alternative?


TouchArcade is a website dedicated to covering the latest news and reviews for iOS (iPhone and iPad) gaming. It's also a great place to discover new and upcoming games, find walkthroughs, and get advice and tips from fellow gamers.

Like AppShopper, TouchArcade features reviews and ratings of applications, as well as discounts and deals on apps.

TouchArcade features more discussion-based reviews and also includes interviews, editorials, and news stories related to mobile applications.

Is TouchArcade a good alternative?


MacRumors is a website dedicated to Apple news and rumors. It provides in-depth analysis and coverage of Apple products and services, including the latest news, rumors, reviews, and more.

MacRumors and AppShopper both provide reviews and ratings of applications, as well as discounts and deals on apps.

MacRumors also offers news stories and editorials related to Mac and iOS applications, as well as more detailed reviews.

Is MacRumors a good alternative?

Mac App Store

The Mac App Store makes it easy to find and download Mac apps as well as widgets and extensions — like editing extensions for the new Photos app. Discover great apps for your Mac.

The Mac App Store and AppShopper both feature reviews and ratings of applications, as well as discounts and deals on apps.

The Mac App Store is the official Apple store for Mac OS X applications and features more detailed reviews than AppShopper does.

Is Mac App Store a good alternative?

App Annie

App Annie is a business solution that provides app store optimization, app analytics and market intelligence to help you understand the performance of your apps and the competitive landscape.

App Annie and AppShopper both feature reviews and ratings of applications, as well as discounts and deals on apps.

App Annie also offers detailed analytics and insights into the performance of mobile applications in various app stores.

Is App Annie a good alternative?

App Store

The App Store is the world’s largest collection of mobile apps, games, and programs for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. Browse and download apps created by world-class developers and explore a wealth of categories to find the perfect app or game for you.

The App Store and AppShopper both feature reviews and ratings of applications, as well as discounts and deals on apps.

The App Store is the official Apple store for iOS applications and features more detailed reviews than AppShopper does.

Is App Store a good alternative?

History of AppShopper

AppShopper is a website that was established in 2008 to track changes in the App Store. It was designed to provide information on the latest applications and updates in the App Store. Users could view app details and prices, read reviews and ratings, and follow their favorite apps. Since then, the website has evolved to become a comprehensive source of information on the App Store. It now offers a variety of features such as tracking of upcoming releases, as well as a comprehensive database of app reviews and ratings.

AppShopper Status

The AppShopper website on online and reachable (last checked on 2025-02-18 01:00:05).

Last checked 2025-02-18 01:00:05.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing AppShopper's website? .
Check AppShopper's Twitter for recent updates.


  • I can finally do my shopping without leaving the comfort of my home!

    2023-02-28 07:35:10 ·
  • I guess I'm going to be spending a lot of money on apps now!

    2023-03-26 11:15:05 ·
  • I think I just found my new favorite pastime: App Shopping!

    2023-05-01 03:46:57 ·
  • Who needs a shopping spree when you can do App Shopping?

    2023-09-07 02:38:59 ·
  • Who knew that App Shopping could be so much fun?

    2023-10-18 06:39:34 ·
  • I'm not sure if I should be scared or excited that this exists!

    2024-01-07 12:17:15 ·
  • Wow, I'm so glad I'm not the only shopper who needs an app for shopping!

    2024-06-15 08:46:09 ·
  • I'm so glad I can shop for apps with my friends now!

    2024-08-21 13:17:22 ·
  • I think I just found the perfect way to procrastinate!

    2024-09-07 22:20:57 ·
  • App Shopping is the new Black Friday!

    2024-12-20 03:28:00 ·