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10 Great Alternatives to Papers for Academic Writing and Research

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-01 18:33:31

Are you looking for an alternative to the popular website "Papers"? Look no further! In this article, we'll discuss a list of similar websites like "Papers" that offer the same great features as the original. From easy-to-use editing tools to convenient storage options, these websites are sure to satisfy your needs. So, read on to discover the best alternatives to "Papers"!

Papers is an advanced online research platform that helps researchers, scientists, and students to quickly discover, organize, read, and share research.


  • Comprehensive search capabilities
  • Intelligent organization of research
  • Powerful collaboration tools
  • Easy to read and share research
  • High-resolution figure export
  • Annotating and citation management

Papers Alternatives


Overleaf is an online LaTeX editor that makes writing and typesetting mathematical and scientific documents easy. It provides a collaborative platform for document authors, editors and reviewers to create professional documents with ease.

Overleaf is similar to Papers in its purpose of providing an online platform for collaboration on academic projects, as well as providing various templates and tools for creating documents.

Overleaf allows users to collaborate in real-time, while Papers does not. Additionally, Overleaf offers more templates than Papers, and offers more features such as drag-and-drop support and commenting.

Is Overleaf a good alternative?

Google Docs

Google Docs is an online word processor that lets you create and format documents and collaborate with other people in real time.

Google Docs provides an online platform for creating, editing, and sharing documents, which is similar to Papers.

Google Docs does not provide templates for academic projects, as Papers does. Additionally, Google Docs does not have features specific to academic projects such as bibliography citations and collaboration features like Papers does.

Is Google Docs a good alternative?


LibreOffice is a free and powerful open source office suite that provides a full suite of office applications, from word processing to spreadsheets, databases, and more. It is compatible with all major operating systems and is available in over 70 languages.

LibreOffice is a free open-source office suite similar to Papers, in that it allows users to create, edit, and share documents online.

Unlike Papers, LibreOffice does not provide templates for academic projects, nor does it provide collaboration features such as bibliography citations and real-time collaboration.

Is LibreOffice a good alternative?

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a powerful word processing program that helps you create professional-looking documents, reports, and other materials. It provides all the tools you need to create and edit documents with ease.

Microsoft Word is similar to Papers in that it provides an online platform for creating, editing, and sharing documents.

Unlike Papers, Microsoft Word does not provide templates for academic projects, nor does it provide collaboration features such as bibliography citations and real-time collaboration.

Is Microsoft Word a good alternative?


Zotero is a free, open-source reference management and research tool that helps you organize your research, cite sources, and collaborate with others. With Zotero, you can easily collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources in just a few clicks.

Zotero is an online platform for academic projects similar to Papers, in that it provides a platform for creating, editing, and sharing documents.

Unlike Papers, Zotero does not provide templates for academic projects, nor does it provide collaboration features such as bibliography citations and real-time collaboration.

Is Zotero a good alternative?


Scrivener is a powerful content-generation tool for writers that allows you to concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents. It’s a word processor and project management tool created specifically for writers of long texts such as novels, research papers, theses, legal documents, and more.

Scrivener is a writing platform for academic projects similar to Papers, in that it provides a platform for creating, editing, and sharing documents.

Unlike Papers, Scrivener does not provide templates for academic projects, nor does it provide collaboration features such as bibliography citations and real-time collaboration.

Is Scrivener a good alternative?


Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.

Mendeley is an online platform for academic projects similar to Papers, in that it provides a platform for creating, editing, and sharing documents.

Unlike Papers, Mendeley does not provide templates for academic projects, nor does it provide collaboration features such as bibliography citations and real-time collaboration.

Is Mendeley a good alternative?


Article is an online-only retailer of modern furniture and home decor. Our mission is to make great design accessible to everyone.

Both websites allow users to access published scholarly material.

Papers provides a platform for publishing original research and articles, whereas Article provides a platform for reading existing research and articles.

Is Article a good alternative?


Broadsheet is an urban culture and lifestyle magazine that covers the best of Australia’s cities, from the food and fashion to the people and places.

Both Papers and Broadsheet are websites that feature articles about current events.

Papers focuses on opinion-based articles, while Broadsheet specializes in news reporting.

Is Broadsheet a good alternative?


Butter is a product design platform that enables teams to quickly design and validate new product concepts. With Butter, you can create prototypes, get feedback, and collaborate with your team in one place.

Both Papers and Butter offer digital products for sale.

Papers specializes in academic papers while Butter offers a variety of other digital goods.

Is Butter a good alternative?


Ebook is an online platform designed to provide users with access to the world's largest digital library. With Ebook, readers can access hundreds of thousands of books and documents from around the world.

Both websites offer digital content for users to view or download.

Papers offers academic papers and research, while Ebook offers electronic books in a variety of genres.

Is Ebook a good alternative?


Publisher is a web design and development platform that enables users to create their own professional websites in minutes. With Publisher, users can choose from a variety of templates, customize them with their own content, and publish their sites in a few easy steps.

Both Papers and Publisher are websites that facilitate academic publishing.

Papers is a platform for sharing and discovering research papers, while Publisher is a platform for publishing journals and books.

Is Publisher a good alternative?

Email is an easy-to-use email service that lets you send and receive messages from anywhere in the world. It features a simple, intuitive interface and offers powerful features such as advanced search, spam filtering, and more.

Both Papers and Email are methods of communication.

Papers is a physical form of communication, while Email is an electronic form of communication.

Is Email a good alternative?

Erin Condren

Erin Condren offers luxury stationery, planners, home and office accessories, and lifestyle products that are designed to help simplify and organize your life.

Both websites offer products that help users manage their daily lives in a more organized fashion.

Papers provides innovative paper products to help organize and simplify life, while Erin Condren offers personalized stationery and organizational tools.

Is Erin Condren a good alternative?

Papers Head-To-Head

Are you looking for an easy and efficient way to write and submit research papers? If so, then you may be interested in comparing Papers with other websites. In this article, we will provide a head-to-head comparison of Papers with two other popular websites for writing and submitting research papers. We will compare each website's features, pricing, design, user interface, and customer support. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of which website is the best choice for your research paper needs.


Papers and Articles are both online writing services that help students and professionals alike to create, format, and publish their work. Papers offers a wide range of features to assist users with their writing process. It includes tools such as a grammar checker, an auto-complete feature, an AI-assisted citation tool, and a document editor. The service also has an in-depth knowledge base for its users to reference when they need answers to their questions or advice on how to improve their documents. Articles offers many of the same features as Papers but also adds some additional features such as collaboration tools for group projects and templates for different types of documents. Additionally, Articles allows users to upload images and other files directly from their computer or from other sources like Dropbox or Google Drive. Both services offer secure storage options for users' documents so they can keep them safe from potential threats. Ultimately, each service provides its own unique set of features that make it suitable for specific types of writing tasks.


Papers and Broadsheet are two popular websites that provide users with news and digital content. Papers offers a wide range of newspapers and magazines, as well as personalized recommendations for content that is tailored to the user's interests. It also features a built-in search function and unlimited storage for saved articles. Broadsheet, on the other hand, focuses more on premium quality journalism from leading international publications. It has an advanced search algorithm which enables users to find exactly what they are looking for quickly and easily. Both websites have the ability to save articles to read later and offer email notifications when new content is added. The main difference between the two is that Papers offers a wider selection of sources while Broadsheet provides more premium quality content.


Papers and Butter are both websites designed to help customers with their paper needs. Both websites offer a variety of paper options, including custom sizes and printing, but they have some major differences in how the products are delivered. Papers offers a free online design tool to customize the paper size and print order, while Butter requires customers to upload their own files for printing. In addition, Papers offers a wide range of finishing options such as lamination and scoring, while Butter only allows for basic cutting. Finally, Papers has an easy-to-use ordering process that allows customers to select an item and add it to their cart, while Butter requires customers to fill out a form with all the details of their order before submitting it.


Papers and Ebook are both popular websites for academic writing services. Papers is ideal for those who need research papers, essays, or other custom writing needs while Ebook is great for those who need a book or ebook written. Papers offers multiple levels of service that cater to different levels of complexity in the research paper or essay. They also offer editing and proofreading services to ensure accuracy and quality. The customer service team can be reached by phone, email, or live chat. Ebook specializes in providing personalized books and ebooks written by expert writers. They have a wide range of topics, including fiction and non-fiction genres as well as educational topics. They also offer an array of services such as formatting and cover design to help make your book stand out from the rest. The customer service team can be reached through email or chat.


Papers and Publisher are both websites that offer tools for digital publishing. Papers is a web-based platform that provides users with the ability to create, curate, store, and share digital content, while Publisher is a desktop-based platform designed to help authors publish books, magazines, catalogs, newspapers, and other materials. Papers allows users to collaborate on projects in real time, as well as access their library from any device. The platform also offers features such as content management systems that enable easy organization of documents and visualizations for data analysis. Moreover, Papers supports various media formats such as video, audio, images and text files. Publisher provides authors with an intuitive interface for creating print-ready documents by importing existing files or designing them from scratch. The platform includes layout and design tools for customizing page layout, cover designs and book covers. It also enables authors to preview their work before printing or exporting it in PDF or ePub formats. In addition, Publisher allows authors to publish directly to online stores like Amazon Kindle or the Apple iBookstore without having to go through an editor or publisher.


Papers and Email are both popular websites for online communication. Papers offers a secure private messaging platform that allows users to easily create conversations and collaborate with individuals, teams, and organizations. It also provides a task system for managing tasks and assigning members to specific threads. Email on the other hand is focused on providing reliable email service tailored to businesses. It includes features such as spam filter, mail forwarding, contact synchronization and more. Both sites have a clean user interface that makes navigation easy and intuitive. Papers offers more collaboration features than Email while Email has better security features such as encryption and anti-spam protection. Ultimately, the choice between these two websites depends on individual needs and preferences.

Erin Condren

Papers and Erin Condren are both websites that offer a wide range of products for individuals to organize their lives. Papers offers customizable stationery and office supplies such as notebooks, planners, cards, binders, and accessories. Erin Condren offers a variety of lifestyle products including planners, journals, stationary, wall art, stickers and accessories. Both websites have the ability to customize the look of their products with various colors and patterns. Papers has a wide selection of templates that customers can use to create unique designs for their stationery or office supplies. Erin Condren also allows customers to customize the look of their products but they also offer personalization options such as monogramming and adding photos or text to any product. Papers offers an array of creative tools such as digital drawing features which allow users to create digital artwork using their computer mouse or tablet stylus while Erin Condren offers a more traditional way of creating custom designs with its in-house design team who will work with customers on creating personalized items. In terms of shipping, both websites offer free standard shipping on orders over a certain amount. Papers also offers expedited shipping for customers who need their orders sooner while Erin Condren does not.


Papers and Evernote are two popular digital note-taking websites. Both allow users to create notes, store information, and collaborate with others. The main difference between the two is in their approach. Papers focuses on writing and structuring documents, allowing users to organize their thoughts into a well-structured form for easier editing and sharing. It also has powerful editing tools such as a text editor, formatting options, and a citation manager. Papers also allows users to collaborate on projects by assigning tasks, setting deadlines, and tracking progress. Evernote is more of an all-in-one platform for collecting, organizing, and sharing information from different sources. It provides tools for taking notes including text editing, audio recording, photo uploading, web clipping, and more. It also allows users to sync their notes across multiple devices and share them with teams or individuals directly through the platform. Additionally, Evernote has its own search engine which makes it easy to find relevant documents quickly.


Papers and Fabric are both web-based software tools that allow users to create a variety of digital products. Papers is focused on creating documents while Fabric is focused on creating websites. Both platforms provide easy-to-use features such as drag and drop, customizable templates, and an intuitive user interface. However, Papers includes research tools to help with document creation while Fabric offers more powerful customization features for website design. In addition, Fabric provides hosting services for any created websites while Papers does not. Finally, both platforms offer analytics to track the performance of projects created on their platform.


Papers and Kindle are both online services that provide access to digital content. Papers is a research platform that allows users to search for, store and share scholarly articles from various sources. It also has tools like annotations, folder organization and tagging capabilities. In contrast, Kindle provides access to ebooks and audiobooks from its large library of titles. It offers features like bookmarks, notes, highlighting and syncing across devices. Both services aim to provide an easier way to read digital content but with different approaches. With Papers, users can stay up-to-date with research in their field while Kindle caters more towards readers who want an easy way to access novels, nonfiction books and other types of literature.


Papers and Mendeley are both reference management software solutions that allow users to easily store, organize, cite and share research materials. Both websites offer a variety of features to help users with their research projects. Papers offers a range of tools for editing, annotating, highlighting and organizing documents collected from online sources such as journals, books and conference proceedings. It also allows users to create bibliographies in the style of their choice. Additionally, Papers provides an online library which can be used to access resources from leading scholarly publishers. Mendeley has similar features as Papers but also includes additional features such as collaborative writing tools. Users can collaborate on projects with other authors or researchers in real time by sharing documents or leaving comments on each other’s work. Mendeley also provides powerful search capabilities allowing users to quickly find relevant academic papers and journal articles. Furthermore, it integrates with Word and OpenOffice so that citations can be quickly added into documents while working collaboratively on projects. Overall, both Papers and Mendeley provide useful features for managing research materials such as document organization tools, citation creation tools and collaboration features. The choice between the two depends on individual needs and preferences when it comes to researching topics in the field of academia.


Papers and Minecraft are two popular websites that offer different experiences for their users. Papers is an academic journal platform designed to facilitate the publishing and sharing of research papers among academics and students. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to build with blocks in a 3D world, exploring various creative possibilities. Both platforms have user-friendly interfaces, but Papers offers more features specifically geared towards academic collaboration, such as peer review functionality and an interactive social platform. Minecraft offers a wide range of tools and materials for players to create whatever they can imagine, while Papers provides scholars with the opportunity to connect and share their research with other researchers in the field. While both websites are suitable for different purposes, Papers offers more specialized features tailored towards scholarly collaboration, while Minecraft provides an immersive virtual world for gamers to explore.


Papers and Page are both websites designed to help users create professional documents. Papers is a browser-based word processor, while Page is a desktop app for MacOS. Papers offers more collaboration options, allowing multiple users to edit a document simultaneously, while Page does not. Both services offer templates for creating documents and support for inserting images and other media into documents. They also both offer cloud storage options so that documents can be accessed from any device. However, Page has a wider range of formatting tools such as text styles, tables and columns than Papers does. Additionally, Page includes features such as spell check, auto-correct and version history which are not available on Papers.


Papers and Paint are both websites that offer digital design services, allowing users to create a range of projects including greeting cards, invitations, posters, and more. Papers offers a larger variety of designs to choose from, with hundreds of templates in a range of categories like birthdays, weddings, and holidays. Paint allows users to customize their own designs by using their own photos or artwork. Each website has multiple file formats available for download (e.g. JPG or PDF), as well as printing options for physical copies of the design. Additionally, Papers provides the option to order physical prints directly from its website while Paint does not offer this service. Both websites also provide tutorials and video tutorials to help users create their projects.


Papers and Procreate are two popular websites for creative work. Papers is a web-based platform that allows users to create, store, and share their documents with others in an organized way. It includes features such as version control, collaboration tools, and document management capabilities. Procreate, on the other hand, is a mobile app designed for digital art creation. It allows users to draw and paint digitally on their tablet or smartphone with various brush types and color palettes. Both websites provide users with the ability to create and display artworks, but they differ in terms of their user interface, tools, and features. Papers offers a clean user interface with simple drag-and-drop tools that make organizing documents easy. It also provides powerful collaboration tools that allow multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously. On the other hand, Procreate has a more interactive design that takes advantage of touch controls for drawing on tablets and smartphones. The app offers a range of professional drawing tools such as customizable brushes and color palettes as well as layers for creating complex artwork. Additionally, it has an export feature that lets users share their works on social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter.


Papers and Pixel are two different websites that offer a variety of products and services. Papers offers a wide range of paper products such as business cards, flyers, brochures, postcards, greeting cards, and more. On the other hand, Pixel focuses on digital design services, providing logo design and web design services. Although these two websites offer different products and services, they both strive to provide high quality work in addition to quick turnaround times. When it comes to customization options, Papers offers more variety as customers can choose from different sizes, shapes and colors when ordering their paper products. Meanwhile, Pixel's customization options are limited to logo designs but customers can also request revisions in order to get the exact look they want for their project. In terms of pricing, Papers has competitive rates for its paper products while Pixel's prices may vary depending on the complexity of the design project. Both websites also strive to provide excellent customer service with prompt responses to queries and inquiries about their products or services.


Papers and RAW are both software programs that allow users to create professional-level designs quickly and easily. Papers is best suited for creating simple illustrations, logos, and other visuals with a wide variety of tools and templates. RAW provides more advanced features, such as 3D modeling, animation, and video editing capabilities. Both programs provide a large selection of pre-made templates to help users get started quickly. Papers offers a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to customize the look and feel of your project with just a few clicks. It includes basic features such as text formatting tools, layers management, color blending options, and support for popular image formats. RAW also has an intuitive user interface with similar features but provides additional advanced tools like motion tracking, 3D model importing, and audio editing for richer content creation. Additionally, RAW allows users to save their projects in multiple file formats for easy sharing or further editing in other software programs.


Papers and Water both offer website building services, but they have different features that make them unique. Papers specializes in providing a modern, mobile-friendly design with robust tools that enable users to easily create professional-looking websites. It also offers a wide range of customizations, including page layouts, themes, fonts, and more. Additionally, it provides an intuitive drag-and-drop interface for quickly creating webpages without any coding experience. Meanwhile, Water focuses on providing an easy to use platform for users who want to build their own website from scratch. It offers a large library of templates, a comprehensive set of development tools, and the ability to host multiple websites for free. Additionally, Water has powerful SEO and analytics capabilities that can help users track their website’s performance.


Papers and Weed are both websites that offer subscription services for accessing curated content. Papers is a platform designed to provide access to scientific research papers and journals, while Weed is a platform designed to provide access to recreational marijuana-related news and reviews. Both websites have user-friendly interfaces with easy navigation and account management tools. Papers offers advanced search capabilities that allow users to easily find the specific research they are looking for, while Weed provides an extensive library of educational resources on cannabis culture and related topics. Additionally, both websites offer personalized recommendations based on user preferences, allowing customers to get tailored content for their interests. Although Papers specializes in scientific research and Weed specializes in cannabis culture, both platforms are committed to providing reliable information in a secure environment.


Papers and Wiki are both websites that provide users with access to resources for research, writing and citing. Papers is a web-based platform that enables users to collaborate on documents while tracking sources, creating references, and citing works. It also features an easy-to-use interface and various tools to help users create accurate citations. Wiki is an online encyclopedia created as a collaborative project which allows anyone to edit its contents. It provides users with a wide range of topics and resources, including articles written by experts in the field. Papers provides an easier way to manage research documents while Wiki provides more comprehensive information on a variety of topics. Both offer useful features that can be beneficial for students, researchers and writers alike.

History of Papers

Papers is an online platform that started in 2005 as a way for users to easily access and share scientific and academic research. The platform has grown over the years to include a wide variety of academic papers, books, and journals from various sources. Papers strives to provide users with an easy-to-use, comprehensive platform for discovering and sharing research.

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  • Please send help, I'm overwhelmed!

    2023-02-26 00:30:08 ·
  • Who knew there were so many ways to avoid my homework?

    2023-06-15 09:25:03 ·
  • Who knew there were so many websites that do the same thing as 'Papers'!

    2023-08-15 07:11:12 ·
  • I'm sure with this list I'll never have to write a paper again!

    2023-10-12 10:08:24 ·
  • I can't believe I'm about to say this... But I'm actually excited for the next paper I have to write.

    2024-05-27 00:18:35 ·
  • Oh wow, so much information, so little brainpower!

    2024-06-05 04:53:58 ·