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5 Alternatives to StudySoup for Easier Online Learning

By Gregor K. published about 2023-02-02 21:30:27

Are you looking for a website like StudySoup to get help with your studies? You're in the right place! In this article, we'll take a look at the top websites like StudySoup where you can get help with your studies, get free study materials, and find answers to your study questions. From online tutoring services to online study guides, there's something here for everyone. Read on to learn more about the best websites like StudySoup.



StudySoup is an online academic resource that helps students succeed in their studies by providing course materials, study guides, and notes from top universities.


  • Access to course materials, study guides, and notes from top universities
  • 24/7 online support
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Opportunity to earn money by creating study materials and notes

StudySoup Alternatives

Chegg Study

Chegg Study is an online learning platform that provides students with 24/7 homework help, textbook solutions, and study guides.

Both websites offer tutoring services, study guides and college course materials.

Chegg offers 24/7 tutoring whereas StudySoup does not, and Chegg also offers a textbook rental service.

Is Chegg Study a good alternative?


Smarthinking is an online tutoring service that provides expert tutoring and writing assistance for students, faculty, and institutions around the world.

Both websites offer online tutoring services.

Smarthinking is an online tutoring service offered by some universities, while StudySoup is a marketplace for students to buy and sell study materials.

Is Smarthinking a good alternative?


Brainly is the world’s largest online learning community that provides students with a platform to ask and answer questions on schools subjects, as well as share and collaborate with other students.

Both websites offer online help with schoolwork.

Brainly is an online question-and-answer platform with a focus on helping students with schoolwork, while StudySoup is a marketplace for students to buy and sell study materials.

Is Brainly a good alternative?

Course Hero

Course Hero is an online learning platform that provides access to over 20 million course-specific study resources, including step-by-step explanations, practice problems, and videos. It also offers personalized learning tools and expert tutors to help students succeed in their courses.

Both websites offer access to college course materials and study guides.

Course Hero offers access to millions of documents from a variety of sources, while StudySoup only offers access to study materials uploaded by other students.

Is Course Hero a good alternative?

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. It offers thousands of free online courses, lessons and practice exercises in a variety of subjects, including math, science, history, computer programming and more.

Both websites offer educational resources for students.

Khan Academy offers free educational videos and tutorials, while StudySoup is a marketplace for students to buy and sell study materials.

Is Khan Academy a good alternative?


Quizlet is a web-based learning platform for students, teachers and lifelong learners. It offers tools for studying, making and sharing flashcards, quizzes and more.

Both websites offer educational resources for students.

Quizlet is a flashcard and study tools platform, while StudySoup is a marketplace for students to buy and sell study materials.

Is Quizlet a good alternative?


Slader is an online educational platform that helps students with their math and science homework. Users can access step-by-step solutions to their math and science questions, as well as access interactive lessons and videos to help them better understand their course material.

Both websites offer access to college course materials and study guides.

Slader also offers step-by-step solutions to textbook problems, while StudySoup only offers access to study materials uploaded by other students.

Is Slader a good alternative?

History of StudySoup

StudySoup was founded in 2011 with the goal of providing college students with an easier and more efficient way to learn. It is an online learning platform that connects students with peers and experts who can provide quality learning resources and study materials. Through StudySoup, students can access a variety of resources, including study guides, video tutorials, and flashcards. They can also share their own notes and study materials with their peers. The website has since expanded to serve students all around the world.


  • This is great news for students who don't like StudySoup!

    2023-05-10 04:52:50 ·
  • I guess I'm not the only one who likes to study online!

    2023-08-02 00:21:32 ·
  • I didn't know there were so many options for students like me!

    2023-09-11 08:16:48 ·
  • Hey, I see a lot of familiar names on this list!

    2023-09-25 04:53:41 ·
  • Who needs books when you have StudySoup?!

    2024-03-27 18:01:50 ·
  • Man, I feel like I'm missing out on all these other websites!

    2024-05-14 15:08:44 ·