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7 Alternatives to Ghost for Blogging Platforms

By Gregor K. published about 2023-01-18 01:11:32

Are you looking for similar websites like Ghost? If so, you've come to the right place! In this article, we’ll be discussing some of the best alternatives to Ghost, each of which offer a unique set of features and services that may be better suited for your needs. From open source solutions to hosted platforms, this list has something for everyone. Read on to find out more about the top alternatives to Ghost.



Ghost is an open source blogging platform designed to make online publishing simple, fast, and powerful. It’s a modern take on the traditional blog, allowing you to easily create a beautiful website and blog without any coding knowledge.


  • Simple, intuitive interface
  • Powerful publishing features
  • Flexible customization options
  • SEO-friendly content
  • Integration with third-party services
  • Mobile-friendly design and responsive themes

Ghost Alternatives

WordPress is an easy and powerful website and blog builder. It's a powerful content management system for creating and managing online content like blogs and websites. With, you can get started quickly and easily, with no coding required.

Both offer a content management system and a blogging platform.

WordPress is an open-source platform, while Ghost is a paid service.

Is WordPress a good alternative?


Joomla is an open source content management system (CMS) used to create and manage websites. It is based on a model-view-controller (MVC) web architecture and includes features such as page caching, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, polls, search, and support for language internationalization.

Both are content management systems and can be used to create blogs.

Joomla is an open-source platform, while Ghost is a paid service.

Is Joomla a good alternative?


Squarespace is a website builder designed to help you create professional websites quickly and easily. It offers powerful tools, drag and drop design, and built-in hosting, giving you everything you need to build a website without any coding or design experience.

Both offer website building and hosting services.

Squarespace is a paid service, while Ghost is an open-source platform.

Is Squarespace a good alternative?


Wix is an online website builder that provides a range of web design services and makes it easy for anyone to create a stunning website. With Wix, you can choose from hundreds of templates, drag and drop to customize your design, add features like social media, contact forms, eCommerce, and more.

Both offer website building and hosting services.

Wix is a paid service, while Ghost is an open-source platform.

Is Wix a good alternative?


Weebly is a website-building platform that helps businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals create a unique and professional website easily and quickly. With a drag-and-drop editor, hosting, and eCommerce capabilities, Weebly is the perfect website building solution.

Both offer website building and hosting services.

Weebly is a paid service, while Ghost is an open-source platform.

Is Weebly a good alternative?


Drupal is an open source content management system (CMS) used to create and manage websites. It is a powerful and flexible platform with a wide range of features and capabilities.

Both offer content management systems and are open-source platforms.

Drupal is more complex to use than Ghost.

Is Drupal a good alternative?


Blogger is a free blog publishing tool from Google for easily sharing your thoughts with the world. It takes just minutes to set up a blog and start sharing your stories, photos, and videos.

Both offer blogging platforms and are free to use.

Blogger is more limited in its features than Ghost.

Is Blogger a good alternative?


Adrenaline is the premier destination for unique and exciting gifts. From skydiving and bungee jumping to city tours and escape rooms, Adrenaline has an activity for every thrill-seeker. Choose from thousands of experiences, and give the gift of unforgettable memories.

Both Ghost and Adrenaline offer website templates for businesses.

Ghost focuses on e-commerce solutions while Adrenaline specializes in creating websites for small businesses.

Is Adrenaline a good alternative?


Akira is a fashion retailer offering best in class sportswear and streetwear for men and women. With a wide selection of styles and sizes available, they offer the perfect look for any occasion.

Both websites provide an online platform for creating and managing content.

Ghost focuses on blogging, while Akira is a powerful website building tool.

Is Akira a good alternative?


BBC is the world's leading public service broadcaster, providing news, current affairs, sports and entertainment across multiple platforms.

Both Ghost and BBC are websites which offer content to their users.

Ghost focuses on providing a platform for bloggers and writers, while BBC offers news and entertainment.

Is BBC a good alternative?


Pandora is a music streaming service that allows users to listen to personalized radio stations based on their favorite artists, genres, and songs.

Both Ghost and Pandora are platforms for creative writers to share their work.

Ghost is a self-hosted platform where users own their content, while Pandora is a social media platform for writers to engage with readers.

Is Pandora a good alternative?


US is a news and information website managed by the United States government. The site offers up-to-date news and information about America’s government, foreign affairs, defense, and other topics related to the United States.

Both websites offer content management and blogging solutions for users.

Ghost is open source, while US is a paid subscription service.

Is US a good alternative?


Amino is a global network of communities, chats, and forums to connect people with similar interests. It enables users to explore their passions, find and connect with like-minded people, and share their thoughts and opinions.

Both Ghost and Amino are web-based platforms used to create content.

Ghost is a blogging platform while Amino focuses on building online communities.

Is Amino a good alternative?


Celsius is a cryptocurrency banking platform that provides rewards for users who deposit their crypto and fiat deposits. It offers a wide range of services such as earning interest on deposits, borrowing, and sending payments.

Both Ghost and Celsius are websites that provide platforms for users to write content and publish it online.

Ghost is a platform for creating blogs and websites, whereas Celsius is a platform for creating cryptocurrency wallets and earning interest on crypto deposits.

Is Celsius a good alternative?

Ghost Head-To-Head

Welcome! In this article, we will be doing a head-to-head comparison of Ghost with other websites. We'll cover different aspects of the platform, such as ease of use, features offered, pricing plans, and more. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of what Ghost has to offer and how it compares to other options on the market. So let's get started!


Ghost and Adrenaline are both content management systems (CMS) used to create websites. Ghost is a fully open-source CMS, meaning that the source code is freely available for anyone to use, modify and customize as desired. It has a simple user interface that makes it easy to get started with website building. Adrenaline is a proprietary CMS, meaning that the source code is not available for public use. It has more powerful features than Ghost, including an integrated eCommerce store, detailed analytics and advanced customization options. Both platforms offer blog functionality, but Ghost has superior options for managing multiple authors and creating subscription options for memberships. Additionally, Ghost offers integration with third-party services like Stripe and MailChimp, while Adrenaline does not have this ability.


Ghost and Akira are both powerful website building platforms designed to make web development easier for users of all skill levels. Ghost is a content-focused platform with an emphasis on creating blogs, magazines, and other websites that rely heavily on written content. It offers a wide range of themes and customization options and is integrated with several built-in SEO tools. Additionally, it offers a user-friendly editor that allows for easy creation of blog posts and pages. Akira is also a website building platform, but it is more focused on eCommerce websites than Ghost. It features an intuitive drag-and-drop page builder that makes it easy to create visually appealing websites without any coding skills. It also has built-in analytics tools to help you track your site’s progress and comes with an array of customizable themes to choose from. Additionally, Akira offers payment integration options, allowing you to easily accept payments through your website.


Ghost and BBC are two popular web hosting platforms that offer users a variety of features to help create and maintain their own websites. Ghost is a content management system (CMS) designed for creating blogs, magazines, and other types of content-driven websites. It has an intuitive user interface, easy-to-use tools, and powerful development capabilities that make it suitable for both beginners and experienced developers. BBC is a website builder that offers an easy way to create a feature-rich website without having to learn code. It has a drag-and-drop editor, hundreds of customizable themes, unlimited pages, and various add-ons that make it ideal for businesses or individuals looking to create professional websites quickly. Both Ghost and BBC offer reliable hosting solutions with excellent customer support.


Ghost and Pandora are both content management systems (CMSs) that allow users to create and manage websites. Ghost is open source, which allows users to customize their site with themes and plugins. Pandora, on the other hand, is a proprietary cloud-based CMS that utilizes drag and drop features for quick site setup. Ghost also offers support for Markdown, allowing users to easily format their web pages without relying on HTML coding knowledge. In comparison, Pandora provides an easy way for users to upload media files directly from their computer or other sources such as YouTube. Both platforms offer intuitive dashboards and analytics, but Ghost has more advanced SEO tools than Pandora has available. Ultimately, each platform offers its own unique benefits depending on the needs of the user - Ghost for its customization options and Pandora for its ease of use.


Ghost and US are two popular website building platforms that allow users to create custom websites without needing to code. Both Ghost and US have intuitive user interfaces, making it easy for even beginners to build a beautiful, functional site quickly. Ghost offers great customization options with the ability to modify HTML and CSS, as well as the ability to add webhooks for third-party integrations. It also has an extensive library of themes that can be used to customize the look of the site. It also has a built-in blog feature for easy content creation. US is focused on speed and scalability, with features that make it easier to manage multiple sites from one interface. It also has an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, allowing users to quickly make changes to their sites without needing any coding knowledge. US also has many pre-built templates that can be used as a starting point for customizations. It also comes with hosting services, making it easy for users to get their sites up and running quickly. Both Ghost and US offer powerful tools for building custom websites quickly and easily but each has its own strengths that make it more suitable for different types of projects.


Ghost and Amino are both platforms that allow users to create their own websites. Ghost is an open-source platform for creating blogs and online publications, while Amino is a mobile and web app for creating communities. Both platforms offer a range of features to make the user experience as easy and enjoyable as possible, but they have some distinct differences. Ghost provides hosting services and offers many built-in features such as custom domain support, SEO optimization, analytics tracking, email subscription forms, automatic backups, and more. It also has an easy-to-use dashboard for managing content on the site. Amino is more geared towards community building than blogging or publishing; it allows users to create custom microcommunities based around their interests where they can post photos, discuss topics with other members, join group chats, follow friends, etc. It also includes tools for moderating the community, such as blocking inappropriate content or banning disruptive members. In conclusion, while Ghost and Amino are both useful platforms for creating websites or online communities, they have different focuses and offer different sets of features which appeal to different types of users.


Ghost and Celsius are both hosted platforms for creating digital content and websites. Ghost is a powerful open-source platform that provides a flexible framework for developing webpages, making it ideal for developers and businesses who prefer customization options. It offers an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, a wide range of themes, and easy integration with third-party services. Celsius, on the other hand, is focused primarily on providing users with an easy-to-use website builder that requires little to no coding experience. It features an interface optimized for mobile devices and has built-in SEO capabilities and analytics tools. Both platforms offer hosting services as well as support from their respective teams.


Ghost and HBO are both popular subscription-based websites that offer a wide range of content. Ghost is an online publishing platform allowing users to create their own custom content, while HBO offers streaming access to its library of films and TV shows. Both sites offer HD quality viewing, but Ghost also allows for the creation of 4K videos. Additionally, Ghost offers collaboration tools for teams and individuals, enabling easy collaboration on shared projects. On the other hand, HBO allows users to watch content from any device with an internet connection, including TVs, computers and mobile phones. Both sites also have integrated search functions to help users find what they are looking for quickly and easily. While Ghost focuses more on creating original content, HBO focuses on providing access to its existing library of films and TV shows.


Ghost and Circle are both content management systems (CMS) designed to help users manage their website content. Ghost is an open source platform which offers a self-hosted solution, while Circle is a hosted solution. Both platforms offer a wide range of features to help users create and maintain a website or blog. Ghost provides users with an intuitive dashboard that allows them to easily manage and update their website content. It also includes blogging, media library, and SEO tools, as well as various themes and plugins to customize the look of the site. Circle is also user-friendly and provides customizable templates for creating websites or blogs. In addition, it offers advanced analytics tools for tracking performance, A/B testing capabilities for optimizing site design, and integrated marketing solutions such as email campaigns and social media integration. Overall, both Ghost and Circle provide users with an easy way to create and maintain their websites or blogs. While Ghost is an open source platform that requires self-hosting, Circle is a hosted solution that offers additional features such as advanced analytics tools, A/B testing capabilities, and integrated marketing solutions.


Ghost and WordPress are both powerful content management systems (CMSs) for creating websites. Ghost is a newer, more streamlined CMS focused on creating content-rich sites with minimal effort, while WordPress is an established platform that's been around since 2003 and offers a wide range of features. When it comes to ease of use, Ghost is designed to be simple and intuitive, while WordPress requires some technical knowledge to get the most out of it. Additionally, Ghost allows for more customization options due to its modern codebase, while WordPress has more themes and plugins available. In terms of performance, Ghost is faster due to its focus on content-first design and optimized codebase. However, WordPress also boasts good performance thanks to its caching capabilities. Finally, when it comes to SEO optimization, both platforms offer similar features such as custom URLs and meta tags. The main difference is that Ghost has better integration with third-party services like Google Analytics which makes tracking website traffic easier.


Ghost and Drupal are two popular content management systems (CMS) used by website owners and developers to create and maintain websites. Both offer powerful features and customization options, but they differ in the way they approach website creation. Ghost is a blogging-focused CMS that provides an intuitive, streamlined user experience. It prioritizes simplicity and readability, featuring a modern design language with minimalistic elements. Ghost also offers multiple themes, allowing users to customize the look of their website with ease. Additionally, Ghost has an open-source codebase which makes it easy for developers to extend its functionality with custom plugins. Drupal is a more comprehensive CMS designed for larger projects. Its core features include extensive customization options such as user profiles, content layout flexibility, and search engine optimization tools. Furthermore, Drupal has a massive library of modules which allow users to add complex functionality like ecommerce tools or social media integrations. It also uses an object-oriented programming (OOP) approach which allows developers to quickly create custom applications built on top of Drupal's core architecture. Overall, both Ghost and Drupal are excellent choices for creating websites depending on the needs of the user or developer. While Ghost is great for quick setup projects with limited customization options, Drupal offers more advanced functionality that can be extended through its vast library of modules.


Ghost and EGO are two popular website building platforms designed to help users create a professional online presence. Both platforms offer a variety of features and options to customize the look and feel of their websites. Ghost offers a modern, responsive theme system that allows users to customize their sites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also includes an intuitive editor with support for Markdown, images and video embedding, as well as SEO optimization tools. Additionally, it includes built-in analytics and integration with third-party services such as Zapier or Mailchimp. EGO offers a simple drag-and-drop builder with pre-made templates in various categories ranging from portfolio to ecommerce. The platform also comes with an array of features such as automatic backups, SSL encryption, unlimited hosting, domain name management tools and more. Moreover, it provides great customer service and comprehensive documentation for developers who want to customize their website further.


Ghost and Female are both content management systems (CMS) that allow users to easily create, manage, and publish dynamic content. Ghost is an open source platform that focuses on providing an optimized content writing experience for web authors, while Female is a subscription-based CMS with a focus on creating beautiful websites with robust functionality. Both platforms offer powerful tools for creating and managing content, including intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, WYSIWYG editors and the ability to embed multimedia from external sources. Female has additional features such as website analytics, SEO optimization and custom themes. Both platforms provide users with the ability to customize their websites with code or plugins. Ghost provides a comprehensive suite of developer tools that enable users to extend the platform's capabilities through custom code, third-party apps and plugins. In contrast, Female offers limited customization options that require knowledge of HTML or CSS in order to make changes to design elements. When it comes to content delivery, Ghost has built-in caching capabilities that ensure fast page load times and smooth user experience. On the other hand, Female requires developers to use third-party solutions for caching and performance optimization. Overall, Ghost is an ideal choice for web authors seeking a clean interface designed specifically for writing content while Female is well suited for businesses wanting sophisticated websites powered by robust backend tools.


Ghost and Frenzy are both open source, self-hosted blog platforms. Ghost is a powerful and modern platform that focuses on a simple, elegant user interface and writing experience, while Frenzy is an easy to use solution to quickly start a blog or website. Ghost provides a Markdown editor with syntax highlighting and an extensive library of themes for customizing the look of your site. It also has built-in integration with many third party services such as Google Analytics and Disqus comments. Ghost also offers advanced features like membership subscriptions, multi-language support, and custom domain mapping. Frenzy is designed for simplicity, featuring an intuitive drag & drop editor that makes it easy to create content quickly. It also supports several plugins and widgets for further customization. Additionally, Frenzy integrates seamlessly with popular services like WordPress, Google Analytics, Mailchimp, and more. It also offers a free hosting plan for smaller blogs or websites.


Ghost and Gatsby are popular open-source websites. Ghost is a modern CMS (Content Management System) designed for content creators, while Gatsby is a static site generator that creates fast, secure sites with modern tools and best practices. Both Ghost and Gatsby use markdown language to format their pages and posts, while Ghost also supports HTML. Both offer integration with third-party services such as analytics, email marketing, payment gateways and more. Ghost provides the ability to host content on its own server or on a custom domain. It also has a built-in subscription system for memberships and offers themes for customization. Gatsby does not provide hosting but allows users to deploy their site to any number of hosting providers. It provides an extensive library of plugins and themes as well as support for React components which makes it easy to customize the user interface. In addition, Gatsby offers a wide range of SEO options for optimizing the visibility of websites in search engine results.


Ghost and Clear are both website building platforms that focus on providing user friendly tools for creating, customizing, and hosting websites. Ghost allows users to create professional looking websites using a flexible content management system. The platform also provides an intuitive editor, easy-to-use themes, and access to third party apps like Zapier. Additionally, Ghost offers advanced features such as memberships, subscriptions, and analytics tracking. Clear is a drag-and-drop website builder that makes it easy for users of all experience levels to create stunning websites without any coding knowledge. It includes a variety of templates with powerful customization options as well as support for eCommerce stores and social media integration. Additionally, it has a built-in SEO tool that helps users increase their search engine rankings. Both Ghost and Clear provide reliable hosting services with secure SSL certificates and automatic backups. However, while Ghost offers more advanced features such as member access control and analytics tracking, Clear is better suited for simpler websites due to its drag-and-drop interface and basic customization tools.

Google Chrome

Ghost and Google Chrome are both popular web browsers that have many features in common. Both browsers offer fast loading speeds, a secure browsing experience, and the ability to customize the appearance of the browser. Ghost offers advanced privacy settings with its built-in Tor Browser and tracker blocking, while Chrome offers tracking prevention through its Incognito mode. In terms of supported plugins and extensions, Ghost has a more limited selection than Chrome. Both browsers allow users to sync bookmarks and passwords across devices with an account login. Ghost also provides an integrated search feature that allows users to quickly locate websites, while Chrome uses the Google search engine by default. Ghost offers support for third-party themes and a built-in ad blocker, while Chrome requires users to install an extension to block ads. Finally, both browsers come with built-in password managers that can generate secure passwords on demand.


Ghost and Kajabi are both website-building services that offer users a variety of tools for creating a professional online presence. Ghost is an open source, blogging platform that makes it easy to create compelling content and customize design. It provides an intuitive user interface, a powerful editor, SEO optimization features, and integration with dozens of third-party services. Kajabi is an all-in-one solution for building websites, managing digital products, marketing campaigns, and more. With Kajabi you can easily create custom landing pages, add payment gateways, set up automated emails, track customer activity, and even run webinars. Both services allow you to create stunning websites without any coding knowledge.

Khan Academy

Ghost and Khan Academy are both web-based platforms that offer tools to users. Ghost is a platform for content creation and marketing campaigns, specifically designed to help bloggers and publications create and manage content more efficiently. It offers features such as custom domains, member subscriptions, email newsletters, hosted analytics, automated social media posting, and more. Khan Academy offers an online learning platform for learners of all ages to gain access to educational resources such as videos, articles, practice problems with instant feedback, and personalized study plans. Both platforms provide users with a variety of customization options and capabilities for creating unique experiences. Ghost focuses on helping bloggers and publishers create engaging content that can be easily shared across multiple channels while Khan Academy provides personalized learning experiences for students of any age or background.


Ghost and Monster are two popular job search websites, both of which have features that can be beneficial to job seekers. Ghost focuses on keeping the process of searching for a job simple and efficient with its easy-to-use interface and comprehensive search capabilities. It also allows job seekers to customize their profile, follow companies, and easily share their resume and other information. Monster takes a more comprehensive approach by offering career advice, résumé assistance, and access to exclusive job postings. It also provides users with additional features such as employer reviews, salary comparisons, company profiles, and customizable searches. Both websites allow users to save jobs for later viewing and apply directly from the site. Ultimately, both Ghost and Monster are excellent resources for job seekers looking for a new position.

History of Ghost

Ghost is a website that was created as a simple blogging platform in 2013. It was designed to be a simpler and more focused alternative to existing blogging platforms at the time. The platform has since grown to be the world's leading open source publishing platform, allowing users to build and manage their own websites or blogs. It is currently used by millions of individuals, brands, and businesses around the world.

Ghost Status

The Ghost website on online and reachable (last checked on 2024-06-10 01:00:24).

Last checked 2024-06-10 01:00:24.
Uptime overview of the past three days.
Do you have problems accessing Ghost's website? .


  • Boo! I'm scared of all these websites that resemble Ghost!

    2023-03-03 20:46:58 ·
  • I'm starting to feel haunted by this list of websites!

    2023-04-24 11:23:34 ·
  • Well this article is a little ghost of my own creativity!

    2023-05-05 23:30:43 ·
  • What a hauntingly similar list of websites!

    2023-05-21 21:29:18 ·
  • Looks like I'm in a Ghostly dilemma now!

    2023-05-25 22:29:13 ·
  • This article is like a haunting reminder that there are other alternatives to Ghost!

    2023-08-08 02:53:25 ·
  • What's the spookiest thing about this list? That it's so similar to Ghost!

    2023-12-15 10:45:38 ·